Too Long

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"Well, that was fun," you said sarcastically as you unbuckled your shoes and pulled them off your feet.

"It was alright," muttered Harry. He stood near you, unbuttoning his shirt before shrugging out of it and tossing it in the laundry hamper.

You huffed out a breath as you rose from the bed, reaching behind yourself to unzip your dress. When you couldn't quite reach it, you quickly gave up and walked to the bathroom, shutting the door behind you.

The fact that Harry was oblivious to your attitude just made things worse. This was the third party you'd been to in less than a month. You understood Harry was a busy guy, and normally you would have been glad and even excited to join him at these functions. But now it seemed like you were only going because it was the only chance you got to be with him. You hadn't had any time alone with him in you didn't know how long except for the sporadic late nights when you'd decided to wait up for him on the sofa only to have him come home too exhausted to even have a conversation, let alone anything else. He'd mumbled something like "sorry, love, 'm goin' t'bed" before climbing the stairs, leaving you disappointed and sexually frustrated.

The parties weren't much of a consolation. You spent most of the evening making the rounds, chatting with some people you'd met before, some you hadn't. But the conversations were usually all the same, and in the end you just wished you were at home watching a movie in bed.

You'd washed off your makeup and were brushing your teeth when you finally noticed your shoulders were shaking from silent sobs. You missed him. You miss him so much it hurt. His lips, his hands on your body, his breath on your face. You knew he loved you, but sometimes you wondered if he missed you too.

Spitting out your toothpaste and wiping your mouth on a towel, you opened the bathroom door to find Harry sitting on the chair in the corner of the bedroom, his jeans still on, his boots next to his socked feet. He was leaning forward, his head in his hand. When he didn't look up as you approached, you figured he hadn't heard you.

"Could you..." you began, your words faltering when he lifted his gaze. His mouth was pursed in a deep frown, and you thought you detected a hint of wetness in his eyes.

"What?" he asked softly.

You cleared your throat and turned around. "Would you mind helping me with this zipper?"

"Oh, sure," you heard him say.

You let out a sigh as you felt his fingers maneuver the zipper on your dress, pulling it down slowly.

"Thanks," you mumbled, ready to walk to the closet when Harry's hands on your waist stopped you, pulling you backwards. He wrapped his arms around you as you fell onto his lap, his head on your shoulder.

"Baby..." he whined, his lips dragging across your skin, "I miss you."

Your hands grabbed his arms at your stomach.

"What?" you sounded. Although you knew what he'd said, you just wanted to hear him confirm it.

"I miss you so much," he repeated, pulling you even closer to him.

You shifted slightly in his lap to look at him. "Really?"

"God, yes," he replied, taking your face in his hands. Bringing his mouth to yours, he kissed you gently . "I'm sorry I've been so busy. I haven't meant to neglect neglect us."

"Harry..." you whispered, suddenly at a loss for words.

"I know you don't wanna go to these things," he continued.

You shook your head, looking down at your hands. "It's not that. I just-"

"I know," Harry nodded, the pads of his thumbs tracing circles on your cheeks. "It's been too long."

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