Chapter 1: The call

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Do you know when you get a phone call and you know that that person will say that you aren't hired for the job? Well, it happened to me many times. I went to so many jobs and I applied, but they either had an interview or said no. Sometimes they say that they will look at my application and they will call me if they want me. How come they don't call me back? Am I the problem? Sometimes I would simple ask myself that if I did something wrong or if I didn't smile enough or be polite like others. I guess since I don't have experience they would exclude me. I don't like any of them to be quiet honest, but still what do they have to gain? So one day on a Thursday night my life changed forever, and that is why today I am writing to you. It all happened quiet suddenly actually, it was about 5:30 and this lady called the house (even though I've never met her, or given her the home phone number). It was weird, but I didn't know what to think of it. Couple of years ago, I met Sydney Sage. She was the most honest, smartest person I have ever met. She was standing in line to buy coffee for a teacher at her school in Palm Springs, and it so happens that I was there for the time being.

I asked her what she was going to buy, and she said she was just getting two coffees. And I said 'Are you going to drink both of them?' She laughed and said 'It's for me and my history teacher. She makes me go to coffee stores and buy her some at night.' I look at her, and see that she has a golden lily tattooed in her left cheek. I've heard of alchemists before, but I have never met one. 'My name is Anne.' She shook my hand and said 'Sydney Melrose'. She must have been lying to me at the time to keep Jill safe from the trouble of vampires. She orders her drinks, and waits for them to be called up. I just order a hot chocolate, pay for it and go stand next to her. 'Hey do you want to walk together? I haven't been to this place before, but maybe you could show me the best places that you like.' She smiles and nods her head. After taking her two drinks, we go outside. It's much darker now then it was before; wow I didn't know that the line was THAT long. It didn't matter; I needed someone to talk to. 'You don't go to Palm Springs school do you?' 'No, but I think my parents are going to make me go. For now I'm in public school. A little bit further away. From time to time, I like to sing to people the cover songs by other musicians. But, don't tell anyone because I get embarrassed.' She was smiling that time, and nodded. We both headed opposite directions and promised we would see each other the next day. But, I never saw her after a year of knowing her she got in a car accident and died out of eternal injuries and fatal blow to her brain. She was my only friend, who by the way was the same age as me.

So the fact that the phone rang for me, was crazy. I didn't want to pick up the phone and thinking that it must be something about Sydney saying that it never happened and that she is still alive. Of course I knew that it wasn't true, so instead my mom picked it up.

"Hello." She listened carefully what the person said on the next line and nodded.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Cooper, would you like to speak to Anne?" She hands me the phone and whispers that they want to hire me for the job. She tells me to be confident and smile.

"Hello?" I breathe in try to calm down my nerves to try to sound strong, and hear the 'good news.'

"Hi, I just wanted to let you know that we're looking through your application and we want you to work for us. We had many young Alchemists that worked, but we had a girl died couple months ago. And now, since there is no time to waste we must have a new one. Are you up for the job?" As she waits for my answer, I question myself. Would it be a good idea to work for the same people that Sydney worked? Should I get revenge on what they did to her? I decide that I will work for them.

"Yes, but are you going to pay me?"

"Of course, we pay high prices here. Every month you get about $35, 000-$56,000 it all depends what status of work you have. Our boss who owns our company is very strict about that, and he wants to meet with you. We know that you don't live in Palm Springs, so we would be moving to your state and living there. The people that you are going to be friends with are also going to move there, and you will have to meet them tomorrow morning. I'm bringing them to your school. But since your mother hasn't granted them permission them to enter the house, we're going to pick you up at 6:40."

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