Note: I don't own pokemon or any of it's original characters.
You've posed as a member of team skull for reasons late specified, on your difficult journey, you fall in love, with Team Skull member Gladion, find out how it plays out.
"I'm sorry, but we're not here for a battle." I stated as we landed on the Aether Paradise lands, Employees surrounded us. "Well we're not going down without a fight!" One of them stood up, Gladion walked in front of me and sighed, he ran though the crowd, followed by Hau and I. We made it inside and to the Elevator. Gladion messed with the control panel and sighed
"Looks like outsiders can't go down to the lower levels." He put his hand on his forehead, "I was afraid this might happen... but still... what a pain..."
"But where do we go then??" Hau asked, worriedly.
"We don't have any choice, we'll have to go up,"
Gladion messed with the control pannel and the elevator flew up to the next level. The railings around us went back down. "I, Faba, am the Aether Branch Chief. The only one in the World, I'm irreplaceable."
"PSHH!! HAHAHA! Faba, what kind of a name is that?!" Hau bursted out laughing, rolling on the floor, "Do you think your FABAlous with those neon gadgets around your arms, and googles or something?? HAHAHA! Nice hair cut you got there? Where did ya get it? Age-."
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"SHUT UP YOU FOOLISH BOY!" Faba yelled, "And here you come back, with this foolish boy.. UNINVITED?!"
Gladion glared at Faba, "Like you don't know why."
"I'm still not telling you where she is! You of all people should understand why.... Gladion."
"Whaaa?? How does he know your name??" Hau asked, getting up from the floor. Gladion looked at me, ignoring Hau. "Hey (Y/n)? You know why being a trainer is so great? When you're battling, it doesn't matter if you're an adult.. or teen, or kid. Everyone's equal in a Pokemon battle."
(A/n: You guys are teens in this by the way, you're 14, or whatever age you want, Hau is also 14, and Gladion is 15. These are just the defult ages I made but you can change them to whatever you like)
"Oh ho!" Faba crossed his arms, "is that what you think? So you wish to battle me? Chief Branch Faba? The man who is called Aether Para-."
"Of course, FABAlous!" I cheered, sending out my Lycanroc. (You can choose if it's the Moon or sun Version, just so you know, here's the Pokemon you have in your party that are mentioned).
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"Ayeee." Faba said, sending in his fainted Hypno, "H-h-how can this be? A Mere child."
"Aye! Look at you (Y/n)!" Hau cheered. Gladion shook his head and turned to Faba, "So. As I said Faba. You of all people know what I'm here for."
"Indeed I do. If you're looking for Cosmog, I suppose information for it would be downstairs."
"Alright." Gladion said, "We're in a bit of a hurry Faba, A lift would be nice."
"Why not? This is an act of kindness I can do for you thanks to my position as branch chief." Faba entered in his information. "Hau, (Y/n), let's go down."
"I don't know Gladion, this seems a bit off." I looked over at him, "Couldn't he just be tricking us?" He turned toward me, "I doubt it, he may tell other people that we're here. But I don't think he'll try to mess with us again himself." As Gladion messed with the control panel, we began to move down. But I couldn't help but notice, the sinister grin Faba gave.
My (H/c) hair flew behind me as we went down. I wondered why Faba was actually letting us go down.
"...Everything looks the same... I guess it has only been 2 years though." Gladion said.
"2 years from what?" I questioned, Gladion shook his head, "Let's go. Faba most likley told half of the Foundation about us Already. We need to start going. There's 2 labs, Secret Lab A and B. We'll take them all on. It's better if we stick together." He began to walk toward the only working door and walked out.
Hau and I followed.
After we defeated the Aether Guards, we made our way to the 2 labs. and got the information needed. "Where to now?" I questioned Gladion, whom had read all the information. He talked as he looked forward, "To the First floor and out the double doors. That's what I've been told."
We walked onto the Triangle Platform and went up. I looked around when we made it to our destined floor. "There they are!" Faba yelled from in front of the double doors. "*Sigh*, not this again."
Four workers, including Faba wouldn't let us through the doors. These people are so annoying. "Hau." Gladion spoke, "You take on Faba, (Y/n), come take down the other 3 with me." I smiled at him, and walked closer to him to begin battling.