Chapter 37

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"Hey Claire?" I open my eyes and see Carter standing at the door. I try to flatten my hair down and I sit up. I hear a small chuckle from Carter and I look over at him. "I made breakfast."

I smile and push the blanket off me. "Thanks Carter." He smiles before leaving the room. I fold the blanket and set it on the bed. 

I grab my phone and bag before I go to the bathroom I showered in last night. I change into the pair of black jeans and a purple sweater. I brush my teeth then my hair. I quickly braid my hair before I put my pajamas back in my bag. I leave the bathroom and go to the kitchen to see Carter standing in front of the stove. He's still in his 'pajamas', which are just the sweatpants he was wearing last night. I control my inner 12 year old self before I go over to him. 

"I put some on the table," Carter tells me. I smile and grab the dirty bowls off the cabinet and put them into the sink. "I'll wash those."

"No I got it," I tell him and turn on the hot water. I grab the sponge next to his sink and put grab the dish soap. 

After I clean the dishes I dry my hands off and Carter and I go to eat breakfast. He made scrambled eggs, toast, hash-browns, and bacon. I place a little of everything on my plate and start to eat my breakfast. Carter does the same. I take a bite of the eggs, and they are really good. 

"You can really cook," I tell him and he smirks.

"One of my many secret talents," he says and takes a bite of his toast. 

I remember why I actually came over last night, I clear my throat to get his attention. He looks up at me and finishes chewing the food in his mouth. He raises his eyebrow at me, I clear my throat and set my fork down. "Are you going to visit your brother today?"

"Yeah," he breathes out. I mean I feel terrible that his brother is in the infirmary, but Carter has to see him. 

"Just tell me when you are leaving so I can head home," I tell him and he looks up from his plate.

"Why would you leave?" he asks me and I shrug. "You can come with me."

"Carter I can't," I tell him and he looks a little sad. "I mean I'll feel like I'm invading your family I guess."

"If I invite then you can't invade," he smiles. "Plus I want my brother to meet you."

"Why would I need to meet your brother?"

"He doesn't believe me when I said that your Four's daughter," Carter laughs and I do too.

"Well that I am," I smile. "Not sure if anything great comes from it."

"Just getting two legends as parents," he scoffs and I roll my eyes at him.

"My parents just have low amounts of fears," I tell him. "Not sure why everyone cares. All they do is keep their sons from killing themselves or each other."

"Not your uncles?" 

I laugh before I nod, "them too."

Before I know it we both are done with our breakfast. He takes my plate and silverware to the kitchen. I thank him before I stand up and grab my back. I go to his front door and put on my shoes. Carter comes by a couple minutes later in a different pair of black sweatpants, a red jacket, and a black jacket. He slips on a pair of converse before we leave his apartment. 

"I'm going to drop my bag off at home really fast," I say and we head to my apartment. 

Instead of putting my bag in my room I through it inside the door, not even going inside. Carter gives me a weird look but I tell him it's not important. I just didn't want to accidentally run into K and Robbie. I never want to see that ever in my life, so I won't be going home for a while. I'll probably go over to my moms. I need a little mom time right now. The stupid decision of Carter, or if I still have feelings for Blake. I mean Blake and I don't really talk but I don't think I ever stopped liking him. Not trying to be mean, but I felt kind of happy that Blake left Ellie. I think that's her name I forgot. I mean I don't like the girl, so why know her name. 

"Hey, we are here Claire."

I shake my head and look up at Carter who is holding the door open for me. I walk in and thank him for holding the door. He makes sure the door doesn't slam shut and we head up to the front desk. Carter tells the lady who is working on a computer that we are here to see his brother. The lady tells us where his room is and give Carter a visiting pass. I follow Carter to the room his brother is in, I wait by the door when we get there. I see two girls, one is his sister I already met and the other is Skye. There is a man in the room next to Jaden but I'm not sure who he is. His brother is laying on the hospital bed with an IV in his arm. He has a nose tube and a heart monitor. Carter gives his dad a hug and says hello to his family. I think Jaden noticed me but hasn't said anything. 

"Carter who is that?" 

I look up and notice that Carter's brother just said something. I feel my face heat up a little before I say, "sorry I didn't introduce myself, I'm Claire Eaton."

"Looks like you aren't a liar," the boy laughs. 

I feel like I am invading their personal time so I stand on the opposite side of Carter's sister and niece. I notice Carter stands next to me and kind of pushes me to them. I glare up at him and he rolls his eyes at me. I have to urge to kick him, but I know it's probably not appropriate to do in front of his family. 

"Nice to see you again Claire," Jaden says and give me a hug. I was a little shocked.

"Hi Claire!" Skye squeals and hugs my legs. I smile at her and say hello to the both of them.

"Hi I'm Jacob, Jaden's husband," the man speaks up. I say hi to him and he shakes my hand. 

"Well Carter, Jacob and I kind of need you to watch Skye today because we are staying here with Grayson," Jaden says and Skye smiles. 

"We can go now if you would like," Carter says and Jaden nods.

"The doctors will be in shortly to check up on him."

Skye says bye to her parents and to Grayson, and Carter says goodbye to everyone as well. I just say bye as we leave the room. We both take one of Skye's hands and we swing her every so often. She squeals in delight and tries to make us do it again.

"We are getting Jackson," I tell Carter and he nods while we swing Skye up.

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