Chapter 42

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"Maybe, ugh I don't know!" I cry as K helps me shop for Carter.

Carter is basically gone all day today. He was asked by Max to become a leader. So he has to, on certain days, spend a while with the leaders learning what to do. Usually it's once a week where he has to be gone for most of the day but the rest of the week it's only like an hour early in the morning. I already got him a photo canvas to put in his house. It can hold five pictures so I got five of his family. Jaden helped me with those. I got one of Skye, one of Jaden, Jacob, Skye, Grayson, and Carter, one of Jaden, Grayson, and Carter, then one of him and Grayson, the last one of him and Jaden. His office at his house is so boring! The walls are a dark grey and it's literally just a desk, computer, an armchair, and two bookshelves. So I thought the pictures would bring a little life to the room.

"Come one C," K says as she sets whatever she just showed me down. "The picture canvas is really cute idea, do you really need to get him anything else?"

"Yes!" I exclaim and I start to run a hand through my hair.

"Okay then just take a second and think," K says and we leave the shop. We head to the food court so K can grab a piece of pizza.

We sit at the table and I rest my chin in my hand. What should I get Carter? I mean he is really important to me so I want to get him something good! I ponder on what he could possible want before I give up. I just want his birthday to be special. K returns to the table with he pizza and water. She starts to eat and and I lay my head on the table.

"K what do you get Robbie?" I ask and she sips her mouth off.

"Robbie and Carter are completely different C," K tells me and I sigh. "How about a simple photo of the two of you?" I life my head up from the table and raise an eyebrow. "I mean you got him ones of his family, what about just one of the both of you."

I smile and think of a photo to use. My mom snuck a lot of photos of us when we weren't looking. I remember one where I was hugging him from the side and his arms were wrapped around my shoulders. He was leaning down and was kissing the top of my head while my eyes were closed with a smile on my face. I stand up and K gives me a weird look.

"You're literally the best K!" I exclaim as I hug her. "I'm getting a frame and the picture printed now!"

"I know," she smiles and flips her hair over her shoulder, "tell him to keep it on his desk."

I smile back before I get let go of her and run to the picture store. I pull up the picture on my phone and send it to them through their website. The picture doesn't take long to print. Maybe 5 minutes, so you can get it fast. I stop running, mostly so I can catch my breath. The store isn't busy so I spend my time finding a frame. I don't want a random one.

After almost ten minutes I find one. It's black and silver. The outer is black and it goes in slightly to a silver. I find one for an 8x10 picture and take it off the shelf. I head over to the counter and ask the worker if the picture is ready. They go to check and and come back with a small envelope. I grin and set the frame on the counter. The lady rings up my totally and I hand her the credits.

I take the picture and frame back to my place, with K of course. K did some baby shopping, which was buying toys and clothes. She was so happy it made me so happy. Of course K then asked me to be the godmother and I instantly said yes. Except she wouldn't tell me the name. Robbie and her decided on names a while back but didn't tell anyone. They wanted it to be a surprise.

"C, Carter is here!" I place his pictures in my closet before I go to the living room. K isn't in there, so she's probably in the kitchen. Ever since K found out she was pregnant she got in to cooking.

"Hey Cupcake," Carter smiles and gives me a hug.

"Hey," I smile back, "what are you doing here? Not that I'm mad or anything, I just thought you'd be gone all day."

"They are giving me a few hours off," Carter smiles, "which means I'm taking you out."

"No Carter," I tell him, "it's your birthday tomorrow and-"

"Exactly tomorrow," he smiles and grabs my hand, "so today we are going out."

"Do I have to change?" I ask and he nods.

"Fancy Cupcake," he says and I turn to my room.

I close my door behind me and start to look through my clothes. It takes me a minute before I find one of the dresses I like. It was one my mom, Elizabeth, got me. It's. it really Dauntless, and by that I mean the color. It's a plain white dress but it's so perfect.

I grab the white shoes my mom gave me with it and head to the bathroom

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I grab the white shoes my mom gave me with it and head to the bathroom. I change into the dress and start to do my hair. I decide on a simple bun and pin my hair around it. Of course I chose to be light with the makeup, just a light blush and light lipstick. I slip on my heels and leave the bathroom. I quickly grab a small handbag to put my phone and wallet in to. I then head back to Carter and notice that he is dressed up as well. He has on black dress pants, a dark purple button up, and a black blazer. Of course he just has normal dress shoes on.

"You look gorgeous," he tells me and I kiss his cheek.

"Thank you," I smile, "you look pretty good yourself."

He rolls his eyes before kissing me on the cheek, "I know I look good Cupcake."

This time I roll my eyes at him. He intertwines our fingers and we start walking down the hall. Of course I have an idea where we are going, there are only two fancy restaurants in Dauntless. I've been to both many times with Carter and it's wonderful. Of course not just the restaurant, Carter is too.

"Reservation for Lee," Carter tells the hostess. She grabs two menus and leads us to a back table. Not many people are here considering it's lunch time. The restaurants are usually packed at night.

When we get to our table Carter pulls my chair and pushes it in for me. I thank him and he goes to sit down. The waiter comes by and Carter tells him to get white wine. When it comes to dates Carter and I usually don't do red anything. Ever since he gave me the white rose it became our little thing. Red is just to cliché I guess. White is just simple and beautiful.

Dauntless life (sequel to Tris Pedrad)Where stories live. Discover now