Chapter 50

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"Look at you Benji! You're getting so big!" I smile as I hug little Benji. He giggle and smiles his three toothed grin.

"Hey Claire," Blake smiles and gives me a hug.

"Hi Blake," I reply.

"As long as you have him don't put him down," Blake laughs and I give him a confused look. "He now can actually crawl instead of just scooting on his stomach."

"That's good," I smile and kiss Benji's cheek, "you were starting to look like a penguin." Benji smiles at me and I kiss his cheek once more. He kisses my cheek and I laugh. "Tell dad to go get us food."

"Da da," Benji says then says a whole bunch of baby gibberish.

"Alright," Blake says, "go find a table."

I smile and sit at the nearest table. I set Benji on my lap and bounce him. He giggles and shuts his eyes. One of his hands grabs on to my shirt and the other is holding his own shirt. I stop for a moment and he looks at me as if saying more. I laugh and bounce my leg again. His giggle never stop until my leg does. Blake is back and that's why I stopped. He got us chicken sandwiches.

"What's new?" I ask as I hand him Blake.

"Well Benji is moving now," he chuckles as Benji smiles up at him, "Nothing much. Work is the same as always."

Blake is a tattoo artist. After we broke up it was awkward for him and my mom at work. They eventually got over it, and just acted like co-workers. "Mom isn't working to hard?" I joke and he smiles.

"Like she ever would. If anything she is working herself to hard," he says and take a bite of a fry.

"She does that to get away from the boys sometimes. They are so annoying," I groan and he laughs.

"Is there anything new in your life?" He asks and instantly Carter pops in my head. I feel my cheeks heat up and I try to get it stop.

"Um just a little," I say and he gives me the continue on talking look. "Carter asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday."

"Oh thats nice," Blake says with a small smile, obviously fake, "I'm happy for you Claire."

"Thanks Blake," I smile and take a bite of my sandwich. "How about you have dinner tonight with Carter and I," I suggest.

"Sure," he says and looks over me, "we can just eat here, so you guys don't have to make anything."

"Are you sure?" I ask, "you can come over to-"

"Nah it's fine," he says and Benji smiles.

"Alright I'll be sure to tell Carter," I tell him an the nods, "we'll meet here around 6:30 then."

"That sounds good," he replies and gives Benji a fry. Benji gladly takes the small piece and shoved it into his mouth, looking up at Blake for another piece. "Slow down Ben," Blake laughs and takes a bite of his sandwich.

"He takes after you," I joke, "always wanting to eat."

"That's a lie," Blake defends himself, "I don't eat that much."

"That's because you are used to eating large amounts, it doesn't seem like a lot," I joke and Blake just rolls his eyes.

"Blake?" We both turn back to see Ellie, who is. Is 9 months pregnant and looks like she is about to pop.

"Yes?" Blake asks, clearly annoyed that she is here.

"I'd like my son," she says crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well he's with me tonight," he replies, "you'll have him tomorrow."

"No Blake," Ellie snaps, "I want him now."

"You can't just demand to have him," I speak up and she glares at me.

"What's with her?" Ellie rolls her eyes, "does she think she is his mother."

"She is more of his mother than you are," Blake says and I give him a wide eyed look.

"You think this chick could replace me, in case you forgot I replaced her," she smirks as I look down, "is she your girlfriend again?"

"No," we both say and my cheeks turn pink. "I'm dating someone else, Blake and I are just friends," I finish and Ellie laughs.

"That's what everyone says," she scoffs, "like how I had a boyfriend but was just friends with another guy."

"Not every girl is a slut like you," I retort and her eyes look like they darken.

"Stop," Blake says and pulls Benji tighter against his chest. "Ellie you'll have him tomorrow, tonight he stays with me."

"How come you are the one who decided visiting days or whatever," Ellie complains and I shake my head.

"Because I actually care about our son," Blake snaps. "You just want people to think you are a good mom. I know you are having a baby shower tonight and that is why you want Benji."

"You are literally the worst," Ellie squeals and storms off.

"She is just now having a baby shower?" I ask, completely confused.

"No this is like her third one," he tells me, "she loves all the gifts so she doesn't have to buy anything."

"She is really low," I say and take the last bite of my sandwich.

"Believe me I know," he mumbles, "the only good thing is Benji."

Benji smiles and waves his hands at his dad, asking for more of the French fries he loves. I smile at the small baby and give him a piece before Blake can.

Dauntless life (sequel to Tris Pedrad)Where stories live. Discover now