My wife

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Sanyu heard the knock on the door to see gaurd standing out and she hands him the lunch and cake for the celebration.

S: when will they reach
Rd: by 4 i guess
S: ummm and goes to her room and packs her belongings,she knew they'll ask her to leave once they see her face.she sighed

Rd too knew she is scared to meet his parents and he too was responsible for her condition,if he made her meet his parents this day won't have come.

Other side the unknown guy was tensed about her what will happen to her when she is thrown out of the house and will she accept his proposal and will spend her life with him. He thought why she is so inferior about her appearance,is she so ugly or she assumes her to be not good looking.

Last the clock struck 4 and sanyu's heart beats too increased. She thought she'll pass out by anxiety ,she tried to focus but her all concentration was towards the door. Rd was in his room,for the first time he was getting nervous about his family reaction to sanyu. He doesn't know he loves her or not but she made a small place in his heart due to her selfless nature and he respects her a lot.

The time was now 5 and no sign of his parents she felt relieved but then the door bell broke her sand castle. She with fear opened the door to see 3 faces. The ladies scanned her from head to toe and the man gave a warm smile.

Sanyu moved aside for them to enter.
Re: hey who are you
S: me sa...
I: l..l...leave it m..m..a.she'll be t..t..the maid here. W...w..where's rd a..a..and his wife .

Sanyu guessed them to be his mom,sis and dad.

Sanyu pointed to the bedroom and they all barged inside and the ladies began to cry by his state and the man gave a pat. Meanwhile sanyu enters with tray of glass with water filled.

They took and drank in a gulp and renu was looking here and there.
Re: rd where's your wife
Rd: mom
I: s..s...she left y...y...ou in the of the won't tolerate s...s..such behavior.l..l...let her b..b..b e back.

During the conversation sanyu was with them and then renu looked at her.
Re: why are you still here.go and bring something to have and call your madam to be back now
I: i...i...I'll complain
Rd: the person whom you are talking about is here and showed sanyu. This is sanyukta not maid or more clearly my wife.

Renuka and ishika was unable to register but harsh didn't show any change and stood there.
Re: this is your wife. Oh ..i...i...I'm sorry beta you had to stay with her son
I: for me did such a b..b...big sacrifice.

Renuka glared sanyu and pulled her and pushed her out of the room.

Re: Harsh see what these Agarwals have done. They made our son marry that girl,how could they. We should have doubted their intentions before behind their so innocent talks they were cunning and manipulative. They dumped their burden on the shoulders of our son.

H: calm down renu
I: i..i...I'm reason. brother is with her. I...i...i.always thought w...w..why there's of her.t...t...they wanted to hide the f..f..f..fact
Rd: please keep quiet.i
Re: shut up atleast you could've told us .wait I'll call her parents and ask them to take her from here
Rd: mom don't do such stupidity.and she is nice girl
Re: yeah i can see how good she is
Rd: just think about ishika and her future
Re: what about yours beta.i can't see you compromising for your life.
Rd: i'm happy with her
I: w...w..we won't a.a...allow this
Rd: I'll ask her to serve food for you know she is amazing and cooks will start to lick your fingers after food and mostly will take her with you. He smiled
Re: ask her to add poison so we can die in a second
Rd: mom ,why are you both behaving like kids. She is really good at heart and she is the best anyone can have
Re: all these are just to pacify aren't happy. Arpita that girl was madly in love with you but you ignored her. If she came to your life this exchanged marriage would've never happened
Rd: arpita,she is just selfish.she doesn't love me .she just wants to showcase me as her trophy partner. When I'm in hospital bed she never cared for me as friend and now you expect that she'll be with me in my bad days after marriage . But sanyukta she took care of me day and night without any complaints i guess that's true feelings.

Ok.let's all cool down she'll be sad by your behavior. We all will have meal then talk with her. Try to understand her too. Come and he opens the door to see sanyu with her luggage to leave.

I guess this story is reaching it's end point. I need to give some clarification

1. You all assumed rd to be unknown . It's next to impossible because the person in real life judge his wife by looks then how can he lecture someone with his gyan of beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder

2.unknown person he will be a character who makes his appearance as a cameo at the end and maybe steal the whole story.

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