I'll be with you

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Ishika came to Agarwal house with a box of sweets. Anju used to open and greet her daily after she is back home today the maid opened the door for her. She expected this treatment from the family ,she enters and saw the house is like silent.

She distributed the sweets among the helpers of the family. Then went straight to her in laws room but stopped hearing the conversation going inside.

Sa: I worked so hard for the project and the stupid delegates gave the deal to the girl who has joined and learned the work for one month. It's so unfair
K: relax beta. I've an idea. Anju ask bahu to hand the deal to Agarwal company and make Sameer in charge. It's her patni dharm
A: i won't.
K: what did you say.
A: i won't ask her to give her part of her happiness to sameer. First you made our daughter go away from us ,so that no one gets to know she's our blood. Made a career for her but didn't allow her to work. With false hopes and dreams done her marriage like a business deal.

I'm happy that my bahu defeated our son inspite of her stammering and i won't do injustice to her. Heard both of you. Sanyu and ishika have a life,even me. Please let us live.

K: anju.

They heard a knock on the door and asked to come in. It was ishika and she forward the sweet box to anju. Anju takes it and bless her. Next kishore he doesn't take and sameer too frown.

Sa: oh came here to celebrate your victory.
I: i ...i..
K: beta you did well but this project was your hubby's dream
Sa: stop this stammering drama. You talk so cooly at the presentation
I:i...i...I came here t..t..to say that i...i...i..like to include sa..sa..sameer too in this project.i..i..i want my hubby and me to work together and make both the companies re..re..reach heights. T..t..this sweet is f..f..for our joint venture
Sa: i...

Sameer and kishore was stunned
Sa: I'm in.we can do the work together
I(i.m): one day sanyu too will be the part of this family and receive all the love.

Other side rd saw sanyu was mostly watching cookery show,playing with tikku,chatting with her friend and then taking care of rd. She didn't bother about the upcoming event. He thought he should boost her confidence and make her ready for the same.

At night sanyu and rd was laying.
Rd: lazy girl you are
S: why
Rd: you aren't participating
S: I'm not ready and it's impossible for me to participate and face such crowds with a disgusting look
Rd: why are you considering about others thoughts
S: no rd
Rd: parth is confident about your talent so he is trying to make you understand
S: I'm feeling sleepy.good night
Rd: good night and sighs

Morning sanyu felt rd side empty. She heard a knock to see rd with a tray of tea cup and biscuits.

Rd: good morning wifey
S: good morning rd.why you prepared,you could have called me ,i...
Rd: wait express train and have this and I'm going to fresh
Sanyu took the cup and sipped the tea. Her eyes fell on the the paper in the tray.

Dear wife
I don't know to prepare tea but today i made tea ofcourse my mom guided me through phone and see i did it.

Don't say the word Impossible the word itself says I'm possible. Get up with positive energy.

Sanyu smiled and went to kitchen and prepared the breakfast and rd went to office. She sat on the couch and saw the remote placed on the table with a paper underneath. She pulled the paper to see another writing

Difficult roads often leads to beautiful destinations.

S: pagal and her phone pinged . She took that and another hanging of paper. She took the paper and read

Don't worry about the persons who talk behind your back. They're behind you for a reason.

Sanyu looked with tears brimming and then checked the message of her friend and greeted him good morning .

She went to the mirror to see another carving of her hubby.

Stop hating yourself for everything you aren't and start loving yourself for everything you already have.

Somewhere rd's words were giving her a determination and lastly she went to the fridge to take veggies she saw another chit pasted on the door.

I can and I will. I want you to be part of the event and show all what you are.

Later she was playing with tikku the door bell rang and she saw a lady standing with a smile.
S: yes
Lady: sanyukta rd shekawat
S: blushed hearing her name with rd tagged and politely nods her head
Lady: I'm Mrs Sharma. I came here to seek a help.Tomorrow is my son's birthday and i invited 20 people and gave the contract to a catering company but now they're saying it's a tight schedule. So could you prepare the food for 20 people. I'll give the menu and need a cake too
S: i can but how you came to know
Lady points to the side and sanyu saw that a nameplate

Sanyukta Rd Shekawat.
For birthday or any parties contact her .

Sanyu yes I can do . Just send me the items and which cake to my number and gave the number to the lady.

S: i won't let you down rd. I'll make you proud and will participate in the competition.

I've started a short story reel and real only 5 parts it will be a sandhir story.

My eh1 has got 5k votes and 1.49k comments thanks to all my friends who read and accepted the work.

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