Unimportant : This is part 132 and how many months have I been trying to reach part 200 in this rant book?! 5 months. It's a lot slower than the first (4 months) and the second (2 months). Well, at least there's not much of a disturbance when it comes to updates.
Anyway, this is the first week of Christmas break and I had no brain telling me to check this all out. I was gone for... a week.
So, what happened to me...
Dec 12-13... not much really (or anything different that occurred)
Dec 14
~OP (I'm done)
~watching the Christmas play of my brother (because why not?! He's my brother and I had nothing to do at home, anyway)Dec 15 : we were half day (and I was too lazy to go on so sorry for the super late greeting blaster824)
Dec 16
~Christmas party
~long program of performances
~gift giving (I got few and I don't really care but when people have loads of gifts, I feel rejected and forgotten)
~food (to be honest, most of them didn't taste good)
~my brother playing games of the generals with me (I won once but I'm getting him the next time)Dec 17
~buffet lunch (family)
~eating all the dessert
~getting several servings of pasta and chicken
~watched rogue one because I wanted to (in 4D, though (#neveragain))
~ate dinner and saw _scarlet_phoenix_ in the restaurant with three other men (I don't know if he saw me, though)
~visiting relatives and going home late (and sleeping late ofcourse)Dec 18
~last minute Christmas shopping (it was crowded (and I mean crowded where every place is just filled up (and it was hard to find a parking, too)))
~the normal mass and family dinner (like all Sundays)Dec 19 (today) : I had piano lessons and finally my brain told me to come here.
For the next few weeks, I have no idea what will exactly happen. Classes will resume, though on Jan 3.
Lastly, random thing I discovered (this looks weird when spelled out) :
my great great grandmother is still alive (no seriously, she's like a 100+ and I never knew because I never met her)
The Life Of The Lantern Corp : Viper Invasion
Random#887 in random 01-29-17 #680 in random 01-28-17 #591 in random 01-26-17 Vipers invade space-accompanied by the Phoenix Forces. Come join them in their achievements and struggles on their path to reach their goal : to colonize all planets in the Lant...