Art Project

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I love art class.

Especially since Mr. Henry was cool and let us eat in class. He loved teaching and getting to know us. I never understood why some teachers became teachers when they hated kids.

"Good morning, guys." He grabbed his clip board and smiled at us. "Today's project day! I'll be assigning partners. Oh, don't make those faces. It'll be fun."

Half the class groaned while the other half had tails wagging behind them. I had to admit, I wasn't looking forward to it. Don't get me wrong, art's awesome but I also had no friends— and no one liked me either.

Mr. Henry called out names for a long moment until he finally cane across mine, but it was the second name that really had me listening.

I'm paired up with him? No way! I rather be paired up with a panda bear that puked cabbages.

I hate cabbages!

Just because I slipped up once in the seventh grade— okay, a few times— but still!

That one particular incident ruined everything. Before, I used to be invisible and thought it had to be the worst thing ever— spoiler alert: I was wrong. Walking around without anyone paying attention to you was way better than everyone hating you.

Seventh Grade Spirit Week changed my status quo. It had been the first week back to school and everyone was told to dress in our school colors— as if I'd do that. Why represent a school with teachers who didn't even get my name right?

On the walk to lunch, I listened to my iPod at the back of the line when someone bumped into me from behind and sent me flying into one of the jocks.

I fell down on top of him. My face heated up at how close we were. I immediately apologized and tried to push myself up, only to slam back down again— but this time— my lips touched his. We kissed.

He pushed me off and wiped his mouth. The stares on the back of my neck had my breakfast threatening to come back up, my face burning and mouth dry.

"You don't go around kissing people, faggot!" Tyler's face twisted in disgust.

No matter how many times I tried to explain or deny it, no one listened. Who would believe me? Tyler Case was popular and it was his word against mine.

"I'm not workin with no fag, Henry." Tyler sneered and I was pulled back from my ugly memory into an even uglier reality.

"Yes you will or do you want an 'F' for the year and not play Football?" Mr. Henry dared, narrowing his eyes at Tyler.

"Can't I work alone?" I gave Henry my best puppy eyes. "He's my creepy stalker."

"Oh shut it, Krissy." Tyler new nickname had me all red. A few students laughed and I threw a paper ball at him.

"Make me!" I stuck my tongue out.

Tyler rolled his eyes. "Are you sure you want that?"

"You pervert!" I jumped up and pointed a finger in his direction.

"Kris, sit down!" Mr. Henry gave me an annoyed look over his circle glasses. I plopped back in my chair with a pout.

Tyler smirked. His brown hair a mess and those pretty blue eyes... I blushed and looked away. So annoying. Why couldn't he be as ugly as his personality?

I mean, there are a few cute guys in our school... but Tyler?

Oh, he was stunning.


I just want to say how thankful I am this book reached 10k!!!!! THANK YOU!

HEADS UP- I wrote and finished this in 7th-9th grade so there are mistakes, nonsense, and statements I don't agree with now.

Happy reading!

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