Our First Date

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Nick's POV

I woke up very excited,due to the previous night. I had a wonderful dream of him that is only to remember that i have a date with him this afternoon. At this realization i feel out of bed and ran towards the shower, for i wanted to look nice for him. After a kind of hectic routine, i sat down in my living room reading a book awaiting for my charming prince to take me away. Turns out i was tuned into my music,i hadn't even heard the door open.

"Ready to go ol sport?" He whispered softly in my ear.The way his warm breath and soft words grazed my ear, my heart beat so fast and loud i thought people all the way in east egg could hear it. Why did jay make me so nervous and turn me on so much?

"Absolutely,that is if you are?" I nervously said while blushing.

"Well unless you would rather stay curled up here?" He laughed a lively laugh.

I shook my head no and he lead me to his car.

"Put in any kind of music you want ol sport" He laughed while handing me the case of cds.

"Oh uh thanks, where are we going anyway Jay?" I asked curiously as i picked a cd.

"On a helicopter ride remember, your not afraid of heights are you?" He asked concerned.

I laughed nervously but turned uo the radio and yelled"Lets rock n roll ol sport!"

He laughed his beautiful laugh and half hugged me while saying "Thats my saying, ol sport!"

We got in the helicopter and I must say I was quite nervous. I wasn't afraid of heights. Just the falling and dying part. Gatsby must have noticed how nervous I was because he grabbed my hand and gave me a reassuring look.

"I thought you said you weren't afraid of heights ol' sport," Gatsby whispered in my ear.

"I'm not. Just afraid of dying," I said in response.

He laughed and then leaned forward and told the pilot to take us a little higher. I got more nervous and squeezed Gatsby's hand tighter. He looked down at it then then looked at me and laughed.

For the rest of the flight he looked out the window while holding my hand and I just stared at him. Every once in a while he would look at me and smile. That amazing smile of his got me every time. It just made my heart melt.

When the helicopter landed I hurried up and got out. I was so happy to finally be on solid ground and not be thousands of feet in the air with a complete stranger flying the helicopter. Although I was nervous the whole time it was a wonderful ride.

GatsbyxNick A True Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now