Chapter 3 o.o

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"Yes I am a hybrid. I'm part werewolf and angel. My werewolf side being more dominant. I don't have wings. My father said that I might get wings in the future but for now I don't think I will. Also once you told me you were the Night I went into my dad's old library and found a book on it. You are extremely powerful." She replied with this long paragraph.

He sat there, next to her, and just listened as she told him what he could do.

She couldn't remember all of  it but she remembered most of it and wrote the real important and interesting stuff down in a notebook that she brought with her everywhere.

This notebook was her father's. She remembered him giving it to her before he was attacked. No more said on that matter.

"If you want you can borrow the book for a little while and read all that i've learned." She told him. He just stared at her.

"It was your father's. I could lose it." He told her.

"Then someone else will be able to learn what I know and be able to spread the knowledge of you to others in this world." She replied.

He didn't understand why she was giving him her notebook when it meant so much to her. She looked down at the  notebook and then gave it to him. He slowly took it, just in case she changed her mind.

He started to flip through the pages. He saw drawings and all sorts of information on some of the pages. He only got about 2/4 of the way through the notebook when he got to blank pages.

"My father didn't spend that much time on the subject. Most of his time was spent on what I am. In his last few months he did find the book about you and then he started this. He finished finding everything about me and was getting bored so he looked for something different and came across you. I remember him telling us about everything he found in the books." She said while looking at the sky.

He saw a tear start to run down her cheek. He wiped the tear away. She looked at him and smiled.

He knew something that she didn't know and wouldn't know for a few more days.


More suspense.

I love suspense

Goodbye children

-Weird Unicorn child

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2016 ⏰

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