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   I sat up in bed. I knew I was about to vomit. I ran to the bathroom and vomited for like 7 minutes. I felt my hair being lifted off my back and I knew instantly that it was Grayson. I sat up and looked at him and he raised his eyebrows. I smiled weakly and sighed.
   "I need a pregnancy test." I said softly. Grayson just nodded and stood up. He walked out the door and I sat on the floor for a second when the door opened again.
    "You know I'll stay with you even if you are pregnant. I'll always be here." Grayson said before walking back out.  I smiled and walked back to my bed and fell asleep again thankful for Grayson even if he did hurt me I know he's sorry. All I need is to trust him again.
   Grayson shook me gently and I sat up and smiled at him softly. He handed me the bag and hugged me. I melted into his arms as he held me close. He kissed my head and I pulled away and walked to the bathroom. I closed the door and used the pregnancy test. My stomach was still killing me though. Maybe I was about to start my period. I wasn't going to take any chances though because last time Grayson and I did it there was no protection involved.
   After taking the pregnancy test I paved around my bedroom while Grayson just sat on my bed watching me.
   "Babe don't worry. I'm here for you no matter what." Grayson said and I turned on me heel.
   "Grayson. That means a lot to me but I'm not ready to be a mom. I'm only seventeen and I'm extremely irresponsible. I drink when I mad. I drive to fast. Sometimes I leave the stove on and I don't know how to deal with kids. I don't know if..." I started ranting when my timer went off. I looked at the bathroom door and started walking to the bathroom when Grayson stopped me. He walked into the bathroom and I waited so that he could see the results first. My breathing got heavy as I heard Gray's steps get close to the door.
   "Kyle's. Its negative." Grayson said not pausing or making me wonder. I started crying, not because I was sad but because I was relieved. I knew that next time I had sex I was going to have to be more careful. I sat down on the bed when a sharp pain ran through my stomach. I was took a breath and waited for it to pass, buy it didn't. The pain got stronger and grew.
   "Grayson something is wrong." I said threw gritted teeth. He came to my side and put his hand on my forehead.
   "Your burning up." He said and a sharp pain ran through my stomach again. It took me by surprise and I screamed. I gripped Grayson's arm and he looked worried. He picked me up bridal style and ran out of the apartment only stopping to grab my car keys. I was falling asleep slowly and my head was starting to hurt. My stomach was hurting and I felt like it was turning inside out. Grayson put me in the passenger seat of my Range Rover and buckled me in before running to the other side and getting in. He started driving to the hospital. I could feel myself fading away as he held on to my hand. He was tapping the foot he wasn't using on the gas.
   He pulled into the hospital parking lot and parked really sloppy before turning off the engine and jumping out. He ran to my door and unbundled me and pulled me out of the car and ran into the emergency room door.
   "May I help you?" The lady at the counter asked standing up worried.
   "Something's wrong. We thought she was pregnant but she's not and something worse is wrong." I heard him say. She nodded and ran off coming back with two nurses. One nurse took me from Gray's arms and carried me back to a room while the other went the other way after saying something about getting Dr. Woods. I saw the door close behind the nurse that was carrying me shouting Grayson out. He had tears in his eyes and I would have too except that I couldn't even process what was happening. Then I blacked out

Grayson's POV
I sat in the waiting room crying My eyes out. A bunch of people came and went while I sat there. Every once in a while someone would pat my back and tell me everything would be okay. I wanted to yell at them and tell them that they didn't know that. I wanted them to know that I was slowly dying on the inside. What if Kylee wasn't okay? I had called Ethan like two minutes ago and I was already worried that they weren't coming. Just then I felt someone hug me. I looked up and saw Ari. She smiled at me softly before sitting down. Ethan then hugged me and sat next to Ari. I had finally stopped crying now and was just nervous. I couldn't bear losing Kylee. I know I had messed up but that didn't change the facts that I loved her more than anything. I didn't know what was wrong but right now I was just hoping that maybe the test was wrong. Maybe she really was pregnant. I knew she thought she was too irresponsible to have a child, but I would rather us have a kid at 17 than loose her forever. I was sitting there just thinking when I saw a doctor walk out. I just ignored it because so many doctors had walked out and I got my hopes up hoping it was about Kylee being fine. This doctor was different though. He was talking to the nurse that had helped get the nurses to come and help us. She pointed in my direction and the doctor nodded before walking in my direction.
   "Dolan?" The doctor asked. I nodded airing for him to go on. "Kylee is going to be okay." I nodded happy tears escaping my eyes as Ari and Ethan hugged me from each side. I smiled.
   "She just came out of Emergency Surgery. One of her ovaries was bleeding so we had to remove it. She's okay now. If you would have been any later she would have died. She's lucky." The doctor explained.
   "Can I see her now?" I asked the young doctor. He gave me a warm smile and nodded.
   "Right this way."

Hey, Hey. Sorry I didn't update again last night. So I gave you a kinda long update today. I'm too tired to edit so sorry. Another update tonight. I promise!

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