I'm In Love

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(A/N this story is entirely Plagg's point of view)
Plagg woke up to his blaring alarm clock. Or should I say, his blaring brother, since the alarm clock had shut off ten minutes ago.
"Come on Plagg! It's time for school!" Said Adrien.
"I'll have some cheese, please monsieur..." Plagg said tiredly.
"Pla~aggg... you know Tikki's always at school!"Adrien smirked.
Plagg bolted up, threw on his usual clothes, and cat-ed down some food.
"I'm ready!" Plagg cried.
"And just in time too." Said Nathalie checking her watch as she entered the room."Come along you two, it's time to go."
They all three walked to the car and Plagg and Adrien were driven to school by Gorilla.
When they got to school, Adrien immediately walked up to Mari and Tikki. "Hello M'lady. Hey Tikki."
(No superheroes in this story)
"Hey Kitty.""Hey Adrien."came the reply.
"I think I'll leave you two to say 'hello', okay? Bye!" Tikki said.
Tikki walked over to Plagg, who was standing stiff as a board and blushed as Tikki came over."What? Cat got your tongue? Aren't you gonna say hello, oh-lover-of-cheese?" Tikki said in her normal cheerful voice.
"I-I uh, h-h-hey T-tikki! Y-you pretty look today! I-I mean y-you look p-pretty today!" Plagg said his face flushing more at the mix up of words.
Tikki giggled. "Your silly, ya know that?"
"I-I guess" Plagg replied in a daze, as Tikki took his hand to pull him over to the others, letting go as soon as they reached them.
*the bell rang*
"Well, time for class!"said Adrien.
They all rushed to the classroom.
(Seating as normal, only Plagg,Tikki,Adrien, and Mari are all in the first row. Nino and Alya are in the second row)
They all four sat down in their seats. Madame Bustier called role and class began.
As usual, Plagg could hardly concentrate on what Madame Bustier said, as he sat right next to Tikki. For this reason, Adrien was taking down meticulous notes to be studied by Plagg that night.
*time-skip* After school-
Tikki and Marinette are about to start walking home,"Wait! T-tikki!" Plagg shouted.
Tikki turned and looked at Plagg, "Yes, Plagg?"
"I-I-I, I- nevermind."Plagg looked away. He couldn't say it. He couldn't tell her how he felt.
"Umm... Okay, bye Plagg!" Tikki said and walked away.
As he stared on after her, Plagg mouthed those three words he yearned to tell her and to hear in return.
I. Love. You.
(Hope you guys liked this chapter! Sorry it was so short, but I think this was the best place to end it. Also I do not own any art that I put in my chapters. That right goes to their original artist.)

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