3. They say

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They say we're born for greatness
Then why do I feel so small
Why do I feel like I might just fade away into my pillowcase
Or fall in the cracks in the pavement

They say all is how it's supposed to be
But I feel like I shouldn't be
Anything at all
Am I supposed to feel this small

Every day is just one step more
If it's in the right direction, who knows
I've been wandering aimlessly for years now
I think I never really knew where to go in the first place

Do you know the feeling
The feeling of feeling everything
At once
Like the world has decided that today was the day to finally smother you
With everything it's got
But you wake up the next morning to find yourself, still there
Still overwhelmed, still shaking, still there
Do you know the feeling

It never used to be this much
It'd always come in small waves
But now I feel I am buried alive
Under this emotional riptide

I feel I might never get any better
I might just have to give up
But at the end of the day
I just have to get up

For I could never hurt my family
I say, shutting myself off
Never once hesitating to close my door
Or turning the noise off

Can you feel the way my heart beats
Or doesn't beat
I can't tell anymore
I stopped listening to it after the second time it broke
Into a million different pieces
For no real apparent reason
Apart from utter boredom
That's why I make myself so busy now

It all works out in the end, they say
But I want it to end today
You see, I don't want to wait for it to get better
I just want it to stop

They say just give it time
But I've been lost for far too long
And I don't think I can keep this smile
For I can't keep holding on


ok i know i haven't been active in actual years but i started this and then the TOPxMM video came out and now i'm crying and i rushed to finish this enjoy

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