Night Terrors

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After the odd encounters [Name] faced at the boardwalk, she wouldn't be lying if she said she was glad she was home. 

The house was awfully quiet when she entered it. 

Her mother and stepfather decided to go on a date and checkout the restaurants Santa Carla had to offer. 

Vince was holed up in his room. [Name] figured he was talking on the phone with his girlfriend. She figured the relationship would last few more weeks, long distance relationships never last. 

But maybe [Name] is just a pessimist. 

Letting out a heavy sigh, [Name] laid down on the couch. She knew if she was tired, she should trudge upstairs but it wouldn't hurt to close her eyes for a bit. 

As soon as her eyes closed, terror ran throughout her body. 

She felt paralyzed.

If felt as if someone was suffocating [Name], yet she couldn't move and she couldn't open her eyes. Her body felt as if electric tingles were running throughout it. 

Her breathing became more harsh and rapid as she tried to consume any oxygen she could get. 

However, [Name] wasn't sure if she was crazy or if she heard the rumble of a motorcycle in the distance. 

Suddenly, it stopped but the trepidation ran through her veins. 

She couldn't speak, she couldn't move. 

It seemed as if someone was leering at her. 

[Name] wanted to scream, she wanted to run but she was paralyzed. Someone was watching her from the window. 

She felt hysterical as she tried to move herself out of threshold consciousness stage she was in. 

But the pressure on her chest didn't allow it. 

"[Name]." A voice spoke out, it seemed faint but within the silence of the living room, it was a loud echo. 

She wasn't alone. It didn't make sense, why was this happening? 

When would she breathe again? 

"Welcome to Santa Carla." The voice rasped out once more and then it was gone. 

The girl was left with a trembling heart and a sense of lassitude and frailty as the pressure on her chest went away. 


"You look like you haven't at all, sweetie." [Name]'s mother states over the dining table during breakfast. 

It was morning. Truthfully, she didn't sleep after the awful episode she went through. The fear of someone taking her control away scared her so badly. 

It seemed when dusk approached, the hidden eyes within the walls of the house opened and watched her every move. 

"I didn't." The [hair color] haired girl responded back, poking the pancakes on her plate with a fork. 

"That isn't good. Is there any problems, [Name]?" Her stepfather asked in mild concern, his plate was almost empty. 

She didn't enjoy his company. He was okay, but if [Name] could, she would get rid of the man along with his vile son. 

"Who can? We moved to the 'Murder Capital of the World.'" [Name] retorted back, dropping her fork as it made a loud clang against the china plate. 

"[Name]! There is no reason for this attitude, especially this early in the morning!" Her mother angrily rebutted, her eyebrows furrowed and the wrinkles on her face became more apparent. 

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