Chapter 5

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Third person POV

After driving what felt like forever to Stiles they made it to Derek's old loft. Derek flung the door open breathing in the scent of his old loft. Derek entered the loft everyone following close, but not too close, behind him.

"Well not that it isn't great to see you, Why'd you decide to come back today?" Derek asked as he went to the kitchen and started to make coffee.

"It's great to see you too." Stiles said with his usual amount of sarcasm. Derek growled at him and turned back to the coffee.

"Just answer my question, Stiles." Derek said as he grabbed cups from his cupboard. He silently asked everyone if they wanted coffee. Derek ended up only making 4 cups of coffee. One for himself, Stiles, Lydia, and Kira.

"Alright well um... I needed to get away from my new home I couldn't take being there any longer. I was planning on moving to like... Mexico or maybe Arizona, but I decided I needed to come back to Beacon Hills." Stiles said taking the coffee Derek was handing him. He took a drink of his coffee and looked at all of his friends.

"I'm glad you didn't move to Mexico but why was Arizona another choice?" Lydia asked looking at Stiles along with everyone else. Their eyes all staring at him as if they were trying to stare into his soul. Except for Derek who just looks like he wanted to murder someone but that's normal.

"Oh well it's close to California and... I need to get away from the cold so the heat sounded nice." Stiles said placing his coffee on the counter before leaning against the counter.

"I heard its gets to like 105 degrees there." Liam said looking at Stiles and then the rest of the pack as they nodded.

"Actually it gets a lot hotter there. I visited there on my 2 years away and it was like 117 degrees. That might be an exaggeration but that's what it felt like." Stiles said looking between Derek, who still looked like he wanted to kill someone, and the rest of the pack.

"Okay then... What's with all the tattoos and piercings?" Kira asked crossing her arms staring at Stiles here concerned eyes glancing over his tattoos and his piercings.

"I needed a change. It's a funny story actually." Stiles said chuckling. Everyone stared at him expectantly like they were waiting for him to continue.

"Right okay so I was taking a walk, I know surprising, and I passed by this guy who was covered in tattoos. I figured I'm old enough to get a tattoo now so why the hell not? After my first tattoo I decided I really liked tattoos and got more... A lot more as you can see. The piercings was my own personal touch to this look." Stiles said looking at everyone who looked completely surprised. Except for Derek once again, who looked less like he was going to murder someone and more like he was constipated... Or about to maul a helpless child, Stiles couldn't quite tell.

"So what you're like goth now?" Derek asked bluntly ignoring the glares he was getting from everyone else.

"Well, yes and no, at first it was supposed to be a more emo look but my hair wasn't long enough to fit that look, makeup isn't really my thing like, eyeliner is okay but lipstick? Yuck. So I settled more on a punk look but it turned out awesome so you know it's whatever." Stiles said uncrossing his arms and finishing his coffee.

"Anyways, Derek, now that we have driven past beacon hills into a town I've only been in once and into a Forest behind a school I've never heard of just to find you, and then drove back, how have you been?" Derek stared at him a look of shock and... and... Happiness? Spread across his face.

"I mean... Besides my dead ex-girlfriend, having to train alone, and you leaving I've been okay." Derek said looking at stiles his arms crossed as he leaned against the counter.

"Me leaving had something to do with your misery?" Stiles said a slight smirk forming on his lips.

"Well no, I mean yes but it's just that after you were possessed you just left and I was scared, you could've been killed so yes I was a bit worried." Derek said surprising everyone.

"Okay then... Well it's getting pretty late I should probably head home." Lydia said looking at her phone. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Stiles are you enrolling back into school? It's senior year you can't miss it." Lydia asked as she was leaving, everyone else was already out the door.

"I don't know yet, I might I'm not sure yet." Stiles said with a slight smile. Lydia gave him a half smile before saying goodbye and shutting the door.

"Sooo..." Stiles said awkwardly and turned back to Derek.

"Shouldn't you get going to Stiles?" Derek asked sitting on the couch. Stiles stood on the other side of the room arms hanging at his side, his lips pressed together before opening slightly.

"I don't really know where to go. I don't think I can sleep in the same house as my dad yet. Scott has Kira over, Lydia's mom hates me, I don't know Liam, and Malia... I think she lives with her dad... You know the one who hates everyone and has guns.... Lots of em'. So my choices are a hotel or the woods." Stiles said rambling.

"How about neither." Derek said. Stiles's glared at him confused.

"What do you mean neither I just said those are my only choices I mean maybe I could go to Lydia's but I highly dou-"


"What?" Stiles said looking at Derek.

"You can stay here, if you want." Derek offered surprising the hell out of Stiles. Derek, Derek Hale, Derek freaking Hale, is offering Stiles a place to sleep.

"What about you? Are you going back to your house? I mean if you are I can give you a ride, I mean if you need it. Although you are a werewolf so you could probably just run..." Stiles began rambling again but caught himself before he could continue. He just looked at Derek not saying anything.

"I'm not going home, not yet, but there's another couch upstairs I can sleep on." Derek said smirking slightly as Stiles scratched at his wrist unknowingly like he usually does when he gets nervous.

"Okay I mean if you're okay with that."

"Obviously I am since I offered, Stiles."

"Oh yeah." Derek got up from the couch and walked over to a closet pulling out a blanket and setting it on the couch for Stiles.

"Um... Thank you." Stiles said sitting on the couch. Derek gave stiles a half smile before replying.

"Goodnight, Stiles." Stiles watched as Derek went upstairs. He laid down and pulled the blanket over him.

"Goodnight, Derek."
Yep okay this sucks but oh well :D I hope you at least try to enjoy this

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