Chapter 6

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Third Person POV

Stiles sat up rubbing his eyes trying to make out his surroundings. Once his vision cleared up he realized he was not in his home and began to freak out. After realizing he was at Derek's it all came back to him.

"Don't worry you're just at my loft." Derek said entering the living room.

"That should worry me more." Derek scoffed walking farther into the room.

"Maybe just a little bit."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Don't you find it strange, I, Derek Hale, invited you to my house?" Derek sat on the coffee table across from the couch which Stiles was sitting on.

"I thought you were just being nice to your most favorite sarcastic being in the world." Derek laughed, a real laugh.

"Wow did I just make Derek Hale laugh?" Stiles put his hand on his chest and pretended to be amazed.

"I believe you did, Stilinski."

"Well Mr. Hale I found it quite nice."

"I'm glad." They sat there for a minute just looking at each other not sure whether they should say something.

"Maybe I should get going, maybe visit my dad or go see Scott." Stiles said standing up and grabbing his jacket. He slid the jacket on but didn't zip it and then grabbed the rest of his belongings heading to the door.

"You could stay here... if you want." Derek offered Stiles.

"You want me to stay?" Stiles asked turning around to face in Derek's direction.

"I don't care if you do or not." Derek said standing up and walking towards Stiles slowly but stopping a little ways away from him.

"I'm just offering." Derek said taking another step in Stiles's direction.

"Maybe I could stay for a little bit longer... but that depends... do you want me to?" This time it was stiles who took a step closer.

"Maybe I do." They were now standing about 4 feet away from each other.

"It's a yes or no question." Stiles took another step.

"Yes." Step.

"Or no." Step.

"Yes." Derek takes the last step.

They were so close to each other at this moment. They could feel the heat radiating from each other's skin. It was all happening so fast.

Finally Derek leaned down placing his lips gently against Stiles's lips. It was a slow and passionate kiss. Derek pushed Stiles's jacket past his arms sliding it onto the floor.

Derek wrapped his arms around Stiles's waist and pulled him closer. They stayed like this for about a minute until they had to pull away.

"What was that for?" Stiles whispered breathlessly as their foreheads rested together.

"Because I really like you Stiles." Derek whispered back matching Stiles's breathless tone. Stiles smiled a bit not wanting the moment to end but unfortunately... it had to.

"I really like you to, Derek." Stiles pulled himself away from Derek picking up his jacket slipping it back on.

"It's just... I just got back. I've already had my heart broken twice in the last 2 years... I'm not ready for this kind of commitment. Not yet." Stiles said walking to the door.

"I'm sorry that I led you on like that I didn't mean to I was just... caught up in the moment... I'm sorry." Derek watched as Stiles neared the door. It was like one minute he was there he was so close to Derek but in the next minute he was gone...


Stiles knows it was wrong and it would never stop bothering him... but he wasn't ready for any kind of relationship past friends.

Stiles drove for hours until he reached the town he had lived in for the most part the 2 years he was gone. He pulled up to his friends house that he had been staying at. His old jeep was parked in the driveway. He walked up to the house pulling out a key and opening up the door.

"Stiles? Back so soon?" A voice called from the small kitchen to the left of Stiles.

"Yeah I need to talk to you." Stiles walked into the kitchen to see his old friend cooking something.

"Alright... what is it?" Stiles looked around as if he was making sure there was no one around.

"I want to move back to Beacon Hills... and I want you to come with." He said as looked into the boy's eyes. They were just about the same age.

"Stiles... I can't just drop everything and move." The boy leaned against the counter.

"Why not? Fresh start in the town that we once called home? It'll be great!" Stiles jumped up and down holding his friends hand trying to get him to say yes.

"Okay, let's do it I guess."

Who do you think Stiles's friend is? Lots of votes for Sterek so Sterek it is :) What do you think of this chapter? I feel like I did a bad job on this chapter... sorry if I did.

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