Chapter 19 {Elizabeth}

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  I continued doodling in my notebook as the teacher went on and on. I felt someone staring at me. I lifted my head and looked around the room and realized that no one is staring at me. Either i am going crazy or someone has quick eyes. I shrugged it off and went back to drawing. First I caught Dean staring at me. I couldn't read him all that well. He was probably plotting more ways to embarrass me in front of the school. Since he has nothing better to do with himself.

  "Excuse me, All classes report to the gymnasium for an announcement by the Bella Twins, please" MR.McMahon spoke over the loud intercom. That's when everyone got up and left the classroom. I rolled my eyes and stuffed my notebook in my bag and I walked out with AJ and Eva.

  "Wonder what the two biggest whores have to say this time" Aj rolled her eyes. Eva and I just chuckled softly as we pushed the two doors to the gymnasium.

  "These two obviously don't know what to do what them selves. They are worthless attention seekers" Eva chimed in. I rolled my eyes and nodded. We sat in the back and we all found seats. The doors busted open again and I turned to look and saw the Bellas strolling in. They glanced at me and just smirked. I noticed something in Brie's hand but I couldn't perfectly see what it was so I had no clue. I turned around and rolled my eyes and slouched a bit in their seat.

  Eva patted my shoulder. "Don't worry about them" Eva said trying to re assure me. I just sighed and shrugged her off. We all then paid attention to the Bella's as they strutted their way on stage. I glared at them with nothing but hatred. I hate them with so much passion, that it kills me. Wonder what they have to present. They are probably just wasting their and our valuable time. As usual. Reminds me. Why am i here anyways? Hmm, maybe they are just here to make a fool of themselves. Wouldn't that be a sight to see?

 They set up a small stool and they placed a laptop on it. Nikki plugged it in and Brie turned on the laptop and she inserted the thing she had in her hand in the laptop. Must of been a flash drive then. Soon the big protector screen slid down and the projector flashed on the screen. I was getting anxious about what they are going to do. Stuff like this put me on edge. Brie clicked on a media button and the video player popped up.

  An evil smirk played upon her lips as she clicked play. I was confused on what she was playing at first. But soon enough it caught my attention. It was the video that was being recorded. Of me being embarrassed by Dean. Tears stung my eyes and flooded down my face. I clenched my fist along the ends of the chair. I gripped onto the chair harder and harder. You would think  would of injured my hand or the chair. Aj put her hand on my shoulder and tried to calm me down but it wasn't working.

  I began to hyperventilate and I cried even harder. Soon enough most of the school was either dying of laughter or gasping and thinking it was horrible. I shot out of my chair knocking the chair down. Causing most of the students to look back at me. Some snickered at me and others looked at me with sympathy. I did a once over at the crowd. Randy was smirking, Dean looked either amused or guilty and I just looked away. I glared at the Bella's who just seemed to have a grand old time.

  I looked around once more and I noticed that the Principals weren't even here. I shook my head. They most of thought that the Bella's had this under control. More students burst out with laughter. They screamed out hurtful words like "Whore" , "Slut", 'Worthless"

  I stared down at the ground and tears streamed down my face. "Liz.." Eva said standing up and trying to pull me down. I yaked out of her grip and I closed the steel chair that I was sitting on. I picked it up and I stormed my way over to the Bella's.

  "Elizabeth!!" AJ screamed. I ignored and ran full speed for them. They looked scared of me but stood their ground. I ran for Nikki first. She swung her leg to kick me but I dodged out the way and swung at her back. She fell down to the ground. I hovered over her as students gasped in shock. I struck multiple times before the chair was yanked out of my hand and I was turned around viciously by Brie. She then kicked me down in the face violently.

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