Chapter 37 {Elizabeth, Seth, and Dean}

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  I slow danced with Dean as I laid my head on his chest. Tonight has been amazing and I am so glad that nothing bad has ruined it. I have found the one who made me extremely happy.I have an amazing family that I care so much for. Dean is the sweetest. He helped me through it all and was so supportive tonight. I hated him at first but he proved to me that he changed and he means alot to me.

  Aj my best friend. She stuck by me through it all. We plan to be tag team champions one day. We will always be a team. I love her, she is just the best. Like a sister I never had.

 Eva, she was a good friend and yes she had her faults which ended the relationship. But then she proves that she is willing to change along the way. SO iI will give her nothing but time.

 Seth, my two toned lover. Hehe. He is so adorable. Let me tell you, he played this whole thing out perfectly. I never really thought it was him. I actually thought it was Dolph because we spent a lot of time together. But Im not mad. I was nothing but shocked. Seth was so sweet and caring to me I can't wait for more days to come. I actually sounded like I was just getting married soo.... um...

  Anywho, Roman, my monstrous brother. I only say that because he is very big and has an amazing tattoo sleeve. Even though we kissed and such, I am over it and he is like a big brother to me. He is protective just like Dean. Except Roman doesn't have the adorable cheeks like he does but it's okay. Him and Dean would make a perfect twerking team with Dolph to lead of course.

  Oh Dolph, My bleached buddy. He is so funny and very athletic. He is like my guy best friend. He is just the best and supportive. that's all I could say.

  Last but not least, Kaitlyn. She is a good person and I could us being very good friends. She stood up for me against the Bellas and I never really knew her.




  I am so happy that I finally get to hold Elizabeth and call her mine. Ever since she walked into this school, I wanted her. I never knew how to approach her because she was so shy and sweet and I never wanted to say the wrong thing. Soon enough the plan came to mind when Dean's family adopted her and this was perfect. I didn't think the plan would work but it did which was what made me happy.




  I am more than glad to see that my Liz was happy. I waned nothing more than that. She is so sweet and very beautiful she deserves it. I swear to God if she gets hurt nothing will be pretty.Seth will be ten feet no wait, twenty!! feet under ground. She is so delicate and priceless,very special she doesn't need any more pain in her life. Im going to be her guardian angel and that will never chance. I am always going to protect her.

{Welp! I hope you enjoyed this book!! If you didn't then booger you ain't shit  , lol Im just kidding but I hope you did enjoy this book, I believe I worked hard on it.}


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