Happy Birthday Victor

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Victor's POV

Today's my birthday and Christmas Day. I really want it to be special since it's going to be with my fiancé, Yuuri Katsuki. Though I don't know what to do.

I know that the person who's birthday is today shouldn't be trying to find a present, but it's also Christmas so I need one for Yuuri.

So what kind of Christmas present would he like? That's been the biggest problem I've had for a long time. Maybe we could go out for dinner and maybe after...

Yuuri's POV

So today is Victor's birthday and I have no idea what to get him. Which is really bad since I've known when his birthday is for weeks now. What am I going to do? I need something, any ideas.

Maybe we could go around Hasetsu to shop for a while and have a nice dinner. Yeah that'll work, but what would we do after? Ahh this is so hard!

I go to the inn's dining room and see that everyone even Yurio is here, because of last night. My family had our big friends and family Christmas party and it was pretty fun.

For lunch we're having pork cutlet bowls. Victor and I sit together across from Yurio and Otabek and talk about our relationships.

Everyone was surprised to hear about Yurio and Otabek's new relationship when they came two days ago. It's great that Yurio found someone to be with, I'm happy for him.

After lunch Victor and I start to go to his room then I turn and ask him, "Do you want to go walk around Hasetsu then to dinner with me tonight?"

Victor answers saying, "Of course, I would love to go out with you Yuuri."

We both smile at each other and then Victor kisses me passionately on the lips. When he pulls away we go to our rooms to get ready to leave.

*few minutes later*

I leave my room and knock on Victor's door wearing a tan coat, black beanie, and blue scarf, with black pants, shoes, and sweater. He opens the door wearing a red-ish brown coat, with black gloves, shirt, pants, and shoes.

Victor comes close with a soft smile and hugs me then kisses my forehead, which makes me start blushing. We both leave hand in hand walking around Hasetsu then to the restaurant.

After dinner we make it back the the inn and I'm somewhat nervous about what I'm going to do. I completely forgot what I planned to do for Victor. So I told him that I will do anything he wants and now I'm being pulled into his room.

Victor guides his poodle, Makkachan out of the room then closes the door. In truth it surprised me more that he made his dog leave, but I know right now I'm really nervous.

"I know it probably surprises you, but Makkachan may get in the way." Victor says and starts to take off his clothes.

He only has his pants on now and comes close to me saying, "Now it's time for you to lose some clothing."

He kisses me passionately on the lips and every single time he pulled away to breathe he took off more and more of my clothing. He gets most of my clothes off and I see him smile in success.

After he does that Victor starts to rub my inner thigh going closer and closer to my hard member. Once he gets to it he starts rubbing the tip while leaving kisses down my neck. I start to moan in pleasure and that makes him do more and more to me.

I wrap my arms around him while he starts to pull off my pants. He then starts to insert one finger after another until three are in my ass making it looser.

After a little while Victor then takes off his own pants showing me his hard and huge member. He moves on top of me and kisses me demanding entrance into my mouth.

While kissing me Victor slowly inserts his member into my ass and starts to move around making me moan in pure pleasure. I grip onto the sheets trying to hold in all the embarrassing moans, but fail miserably.

I ask myself how is he so good at this? Of course he could've done it to many people before me. I realize what I'm thinking and push away the thought.

Victor starts kissing my neck while thrusting in and out of my ass. Then he slowly brings his mouth close to my ear.

I feel his warm breath and he whispers to me, "I love you, Yuuri. Never forget that."

I start to cry of happiness and say, "I love you too, Victor."

We both embrace in a hug then Victor begins to kiss me passionately again. Almost all night we had sex and when we stopped it was almost eleven.

I turn to Victor and say, "Happy birthday Victor, I love you."

"I love you too, Yuuri and Happy Holidays." He says and smiles.

He kisses my forehead and holds me in his arms then falls asleep. Before I fall asleep as well I'm thinking that this was the best Christmas I've ever had and I can't wait for our wedding in three weeks. With that thought I wrap my arms around him and fell asleep.

Happy birthday Victor (Victuri One-shot)Where stories live. Discover now