Part 19

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't updated this story in a longg while!❤️ I've been busy and crappy 


| 1 Month Later | 

Since the sudden cruel reality hit you in face with Kylo Ren's true feelings, your expression and attitude began to darken. Kylo Ren left the next day after the argument, claiming that he needed to meet with his Lord. It had only been a month yet your feelings for the man weren't vanishing so you would train in order to grow stronger and also to distract yourself. Captain Phasma helped you practice occasionally with your combat moves. 

You thought that it was for the best that the small fling with Kylo Ren had ended.. How could a relationship survive in this environment full of hate and destruction?

You wore a long cloak as you walked towards the area with the ships; you would be representing the First Order at a meeting in Bespin. The meeting would be simple, discussing a trade of weapons for supplies. You had a signature black outfit with black gloves. (Very Sith-y) To top it off, Kylo Ren had given an order to have you wear one of the combat helmets that only his Knights would wear. It was hard to tell that you were even a female, the cloak covered your curves and the helmet covered all of your hair.

In other words, you looked intimidating as you walked the long hallways. Stormtroopers would look down when you passed them. Only focusing on the mission, you met up with the small army of stormtroopers. Captain Phasma approached you, "Madam, we will take off now" She announced. Nodding in return, you entered the ship. 

As the ship took off, you sat down with a small sigh. It was hard to stop thinking about the handsome devil that had stolen your heart. 'Focus, (Y/n).' you thought, shaking your head. The helmet bothered you a tad bit but it felt easy to conceal your emotions. 

"Madam, we will land shortly" Captain Phasma informed, "Thank you" you responded, the mask seemed to distort your voice. You closed your eyes 'I wonder why the mysterious voice has stopped talking to me..' you thought, releasing another sigh. You felt completely alone since  the argument with Kylo Ren, you would only talk to the droids that were passing by in the giant ship and Captain Phasma during training. 

As the ship landed on the docking area, you looked around at the beautiful scenery. There were clouds everywhere, the sky was filled with soft shades of purple, pink and blues. You stood up and walked towards the door, hopping off of the ship. 

"How long will this take?" you asked boredly, looking back at Captain Phasma. 

"Not very long, I suppose" she responded.

Then a droid walked up to you guys, "Welcome! Please follow me to the destination, we have been anticipating your arrival" the droid said as it turned around. You followed close behind while staring at the breathtaking scenery and the group of stormtroopers and Captain Phasma were behind you, staring straight. 

The droid opened the door, revealing a large circular table with different types of planetary races. "Welcome... Imperial Order" the woman at the other side of the table said, she looked royal like she was probably a princess, judging by the large amount of makeup. The moment she looked at you, her eyes widened slightly. 

You looked around at the people before taking an empty seat. "S-So.. you're here for the trade exchange, am I right?" She asked with a small smile, trying to play off her nerves. You could almost see the sweat running down the side of her face. 

"Yes, that's correct" you said, finally. Everybody seemed to shift in their seat, a bit uncomfortable. "I hope that our expectations are met when we recieve the materials" you added, narrowing your eyes. 

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