Luna Star's parents have always neglected her since she was 7. Trying to forget her very existence. Abusing her for no reason. One day, when they were on a business trip in Japan, she was fed up, thinking of Suicide but instead ran away.
《8 years 》...
"Um.. I believe I'm in... 1A." I say with uncertainty.
"Oh! We're in the same class!" Haruhi says excitedly.
"Well, I don't know if that's really my class yet."
"Then let's get your schedule."
《A Magical Time Skip Later》
As we walk out of the office, I look at what class I'm in.
"Oh. We are in the same class!" I say in excitement
Oh! Haruhi?
"I never got to ask but... why are are you dressed like a guy?" I ask crousely
"Well..." she took a moment to find an answer
"Long story short. I got confused for a guy, broke a vase, and now I'm a host." She said with a straight face
".... How does that even work?!" I say in shock
"Oh. You know I'm a girl too. Right?"
"At first I didn't, but after talking to you a bit more I can see that your a girl."
"Okay that's good. Well, when does class start?" I ask as I look around for a clock
"Um... we should start heading to class anyway." Haruhi
~Magical time skip brought to you by, "lazy author-sama"~
As Haruhi and I walk into the busy classroom, suddenly the classroom grew silent and everyone turns to face us.
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I tug on Haruhi's sleeve and ask
"Why is everyone starring at us like we murdered someone?!"
"Don't know. But go up to the font of the classroom and tell the teacher your here." Haruhi says as she turns her head to face me.
"By myself?!" Dang do I feel stupid.
"Just go up there, it's not like you really did kill someone. Did you?" Haruhi looks at me
"In a video game..." I answer with a nervous smile
"Just go!" Haruhi then shoves me toward the front of the classroom
I made haste and got up to the teacher's desk without eye contact.
"Um... Hello... I'm-" I manage to squeeze out when I get interrupted
"Oh! Hello could you do me a favor and wait outside?" The teacher said with a smile
"U-um... o-okay..." I then walk outside as the teacher instructed.
I take a deep breath and sigh, hoping to relieve the stronge nervous feeling.
"Why am I so nervous?" I whisper to myself
I then hear the beckoning of the teacher wanting me to come back inside.
"Alright class! We have a new transfer student."
Suddenly the classroom was filled with chatter.
"He's cute~" ??? "I know right~" ??? "Wonder what his type~?" ???
He? Type? What are they talking about?! I look around and see everyone talking to one another. Then I notice what all the girls were wearing.
Big, poofy, yellow, dresses...
"Class! Let him introduce himself now." The teacher said
I then snap out of thinking to myself
"Oh! Um... I'm... Lun-er e-clipse! Yeah, I'm Luner Eclipse. Nice to meet all of you."
"Umm... do I say things about myself?" I turn to the teacher
"If you'd like, yes!" The teacher smiles again
Is that smile fake? Like the others?
"Oh! Um... I say Um alot."
The class laughs at my little joke
"I'm from America, and I like playing videogames."
"Okay! Could you take a seat in front of Fujioka over there? Fujioka could you stand up?" She points over to were Haruhi was sitting.
"Yes ma'am." Haruhi then stands up with a smile
"I smile and walk over to the desk in front of Haruhi and sit down.
The girls in front of me turn around and takes a glance at me, then turning back to each other and giggle.
I give them a warm smile and turn to the board, ready for the lesson.
thank you if your still going to read this and also sorry it's such a short one too. I just haven't been motivated to write anything. Hope you can understand.