22: Fly Like An Eagle

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^^ Flight Rune ^^

--- Greta's POV ---

"Late at night in a Saturday, and what am I doing? Schoolwork. Figures..." I grumbled.

I doodled in a paperback journal I'd bought, wisely not drawing in my grimoire for this, as I was attempting to create a Rune. Mirage sat nearby, playing a violin softly.

I focused on my work, grinning. My personal Rune... I was determined to Fly, and nothing would stop me. First, I had researched the exact science behind flight, and recorded my findings cognitively, along with the necessary aspect of flight.

I hummed. "Thrust, lift, drag, gravity... so I'll need something that controls all four... alright. Also momentum and G-Forces. Don't want someone killed from a hard turn that rips out their spleen... alright..."

I drew four triangles, overlapping, for the four Main forces, then a circle for Inertia, plus an Arrow through them to create a part in Air, so that terminal Velocity no longer created flames around the user.

I reasoned that you wouldn't be able to breath if air was pushed away, so I added a second circle, which would pull warm air into the Slipstream and around your body, so you could breath normally, and you wouldn't freeze from the low temperatures higher up.

Next, I added an accurate sketch of a bird, which would give each person who used the Rune a full set of a birds instincts, to allow for easier flight.

A circle was added inside the bird to take away the predatory factor of those instincts, and another was added to give the user temporary vision like that of a Hawks, allowing for better viewing of the ground.

Thermal sensory was also added by another circle, so that you could use thermal currents to fly, like a normal bird, when you didn't want to burn Soul and accelerate unnaturally.

More were added to give the user balance, stability, strength, and endurance, to ensure that they didn't fall out of the sky. Recovery runes were also included, so that the soul used for this Rune slowly recharged as it was in use, until the usage and recovery were equal.

I added another circle to trick the air around you into solidifying into the wingspan of a large Argentavis, giving you 30 feet of wingspan for the thermal currents to push up.

I realized those wings might get in the way, so I allowed for them to bend and flap and fold like normal wings with a final circle, and then leaned back, grinning.

"I think I've done it..." I grinned.

Mirage hummed. "Why not just give them real wings temporarily?"

I smiled. "It's more mysterious when the wings can't be seen. And I don't want the Christian Witches to make themselves into 'Angels'." I frowned.

She nodded. "Makes sense... hmm... this will take serious time and effort to master, however."

"Like I'd want it to be easy. I just want possible. Easy is stupid." I waved a hand dismissively.

She laughed. "Indeed. Very true. But you realize you just created almost 50 runes? You'll need serious juice to use this, even with the recovery runes... you should include your mothers rune, it's the strongest recovery rune there is." She nodded.

I hummed and nodded, placing Rowena's rune into the birds eye, almost completely invisible. "There... alright, Mirage, let's do this." I cracked my knuckles, grinning.

She smiled. "Indeed. I advise drawing it in your spirit first, at a giant scale, as the details will be easier to place then." She advised.

I nodded and entered my astral plane seamlessly, and found a giant clay eagle in front of me. All my runes and branding's were on the wings, miniaturized.

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