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Chapter | 2

Readers pov*

"I'm a sin of God" you revealed to Jeff.

As soon as you said those words, there was a look of shock and confusion on Jeff's face.

"Sin of god?" Jeff questioned confused, "didn't you ask me earlier if I worked for the sins?" Jeff asked.

"Yes, I did I think it may be better for me to fully explain" you say quietly, Jeff then nodded wanting me to explain, with a curious slightly excited face.

"O-Ok but your probably not going to believe me" you started, trying to hold back your laughter at his cute excited expression.

"Oi! just explain everything to me, and I'll decide whether I believe you or not" Jeff said, you were glad he seemed interested, but you've never told anyone before.

"For starters... I'm over 6 thousand years old" you say awaiting Jeff's reply.

"Oh I see-WAIT WHAT?" Jeff screamed, then stood up from his chair in shock (we were currently sitting at the kitchen table)

"A-And I'm Immortal" you blurted out, Jeff then looked at you with excited eyes.

"your immortal?" he asked, still standing up, 

I just said I was, is he stupid? you thought to yourself.

"yes I just said I w-" you cut yourself off noticing Jeff walking closer and putting his hands in his pocket. then he stopped right in front of you.

"If your immortal, can I test something?" he asked as his smile grew,

"What do you mean tes-OWW" You looked down and saw a knife in your stomach, and Jeff was the one who put it there, he then pulled the knife out and pushed it back in even harder than the first. The pain was excruciating, you looked at Jeff and eye contact, his eyes were glazed and the smile was more prominent if that was even possible, with the smile he had carved on his face. 

"What...... the fuck.... are...... you doing?" you asked as you began coughing up blood. Jeff was just staring at you, you could see the cuts on his cheeks moving with his smile.

kinda hot, in a creepy way.

Your legs soon became wobbly, then you lost balance falling to the floor landing on your back, as soon as you fell Jeff got on top of you and continued stabbing you, all while laughing maniacally. Everything started to feel cold until all you could see was darkness. Jeff then stopped stabbing your motionless body. Jeff got up off of you and stood up, then he wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked down at you.

"Wow Y/n, I actually broke a sweat! that was fun though" Jeff began, but you didn't move nor speak, you just laid there.

"Y/n?" Jeff questioned as he crouched down next to you and began to shake you as if trying to wake you up.

"guess she lied about being immortal, stupid. I should say something cause I didn't think she'd actually die. Well Y/n, I didn't know you for long but you seemed cool, and you shared your pizza, R.I.P-"

"BAHHHHHHHHHH" you screamed as you shot up, from your laying position.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Jeff screamed and he pushed himself back, falling onto his back and you could hear him groaned in pain, then he looked over at you, with a look of confusion.

"HAHAHA, you actually thought I was dead?! It was so hard trying to keep a straight face when you were talking" you said laughing.

"your still alive" Jeff asked, getting up. you also got up grabbing your stomach in pain. You looked over at the pool of your blood, then to Jeff. 

Jeff, just you wait I'm gunna make you clean that up!

"what's it look like asshole? Also just because I'm immortal doesn't mean I can't feel pain, and that fucking hurt. So don't do it again" you say annoyed,

"Oh, sorry" Jeff said scratching the back of this head, looking down.

cute! Okay probably not the best thing to think after he just stabbed me to death.

"yeah right! let me see your wounds, are they still bleeding? I could wrap them for you" Jeff said in a semi-concerned voice, as he walked over to you.

"There's no need" you said as you lifted your shirt revealing your healed wounds, Jeff looked blank at you for a second before turning away, covering his mouth and... blushing, you looked down realizing you lifted a bit more than you wanted to show, showing off your f/c  bra. you quickly pulled your shirt back down and started to feel your face become hot in embarrassment.

shit shit shit, this is so embarrassing

"A-Anyways" you started "clears throat* I'm going to go have a shower, and wash all this blood off. And you Jeff can clean that blood up" you say smirking pointing at the pool of your own blood, 

"tsk, what if I don't want to clean it up?" Jeff said jokingly, then your smirk faded and was replaced with a glare.

"If you don't clean it up, then I'll cut you open and play jump rope with your intestines" you threatened. you felt your eyes change from e/c to red, you also felt the power the eyes brought with them. Jeff looked at me eyes widening, and he gulped,

"Y-Y/n, I was joking!" Jeff said with a little concern. you couldn't tell where the concern was pointed at you or him.I shut my eyes, then opened them a second later, they were back to normal.

"so was I, have fun cleaning" you giggled to Jeff, who just started at you 

"oh yeah the cleaning supplies are under the sink!" you yelled as you walked to the bathroom to shower.

20 minutes later~

After you were finished in the shower, you went to your room in a towel and got into your pj's, then you walked down to the kitchen and saw that all the blood was cleaned. you looked around for Jeff but couldn't find him... you started to panic.

H-He was my friend, my only FRIEND! the only one I've made in a long time, I need to find him.

you kept looking around and panicking. till you saw him sleeping happily on the couch, completely oblivious to your worry. you smiled to yourself then went and got a blanket. you covered Jeff up and you sat next to him on the couch.

looking at the clock and it reading '2:47am' you yawned and laid back
wanting to fall asleep.

guess I'll tell him my story tomorrow

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