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Chapter | 18

You felt yourself slowly wake up, you kept your eyes closed and cuddled into the heat provider in front of you since the room was freezing even though you had a blanket on. You tiredly wrap your arm around the warmth in front of you, sleep coming back over you, then suddenly a loud bang echoes throughout the room which causes your eyes to shoot open.

You look in front of you and see a head full of black hair.  Memories of the night before come rushing back, out of embarrassment you quickly remove your arm from around Jeff's waist and sit up only to see a figure standing at the door,  you look up only to see BEN with a smirk on his lips.

"Guess now I know who tops" BEN laughs and you just glare at him, he then ceases his laughter and lets out a low cough

"Uh, breakfast is ready," He says quickly before leaving and shutting the door behind him. You let out a yawn just wanting to go back to sleep, you were about to lay back down when a voice stopped you.

"Aren't you hungry?" A raspy voice from in front you asked causing you to jump a little, it was Jeff.

"you were awake?" You asked, he turned over to you and leaned his head in his palm and smirked

"I've been awake ever since you started spooning me" Jeff cooed, you felt your face heat up in unwilling embarrassment. Jeff chuckled at your reaction, taking advantage of his laughter you grab the pillow you were previously laying on and throw it at his face.  He lets out a grunt at and you almost regret it until you see his shocked face; it was priceless. You burst out laughing until you feel something hit you in the face, now Jeff was the one laughing. You grab the pillow that was just thrown at you and you try and hit Jeff with it but he dodges it and sits up and grabs the other pillow, he smirks at you with a look of triumph plastered on his face.

"this is war" you say gripping the pillow, Jeff let's out a low laugh before hitting you in the shoulder with the pillow. 

"ow" you let out and Jeff looks at you in concern 

"are you o-" he gets cut off by you hitting him with the pillow, you let out a laugh. 

"you shouldn't have done that" Jeff say in a serious tone

"wrong creepypasta" you chuckle, then suddenly a weight gets on top of you and jeff starts beating you with the pillow while letting out a maniacal laugh, you let out a slur out protests but all ignored.  So you take matters into your own hands, you teleport behind Jeff hitting him with your pillow and he falls face first into his bed. 

"ha ha ha" you say mockingly, which was a mistake.  Jeff moves in one swift movement, turning around and hitting you in the side with his pillow causing you to fall off the bed landing on your back, you let out a groan of pain and looked up at Jeff, he looks down at you in slight concern but you glare at him and you see him gulp. 

"sorry" he says as he drops the pillow and raises his hands in surrender when you don't say anything he offers one of his hand's to help you up, you gladly take it only to pull him down.  

He lands beside you also on his back you both look at each other simultaneously and burst out laughing.

Nothing interesting happened during breakfast, just the usual.  So after breakfast, You and Abbas went back out into the woods to train.  You still focused on the fire element and practiced throwing ball's of fire at tree's working on your precision. After about two hours, you teleported with Abbas back to the mansion.

You opened the front door and went inside being followed by Abbas'.  Then Abbas' said something about learning more about the world and using the interweb, you nodded and he disappeared somewhere. You started walking to the stairs when you noticed Ej on the couch watching something on the TV and you decided to ask him where Jeff was.

"He's in BEN's room" he replied still facing the TV, he honestly seemed really interested in that animal documentary.  you said a quick 'thanks' before walking up the stairs but you stopped mid step when Ej said something.

"also i wouldn't go in there without a gas mask" You looked at him confused for a moment, you were about the ask what he made but he started laughing to himself, you weren't sure if he was laughing at what he said or at the TV.  But you started walking up the stairs nonetheless.

When you reached BEN's room there was a 'DO NOT DISTURB' sign on it as well as a strange smell emitting from his room, You could also hear faint music.  You knocked a few times and when nobody answered you opened the door only to be hit in the face by a gust of smoke. 

 🎵i was gunna clean my room till i got high🎵

You started coughing and flailing your arms around trying to fan the smoke away and also to see. Your mind immediately went to the fact there could be a fire in his room due to all the smoke but dismissed as soon as you heard laughter. 

"hey! whats with all this smoke?!" You asked 

"Oi, shut the door" You heard BEN say, you let out a low grunt before shutting the door behind you and turning back in the direction of the voice, still unable to see due to all the smoke

"Jeff you in here?" You asked a hint of annoyance in your voice.

"Oh shit" You heard a voice say, then you heard the sound of something open a cold air come through, you assume it's the window. thank god. 

"noooooooo" BEN whined dramatically.

Once the smoke cleared you saw Jeff sitting on BEN's bed and BEN at his desk in his chair, you looked at them confused, both of their eyes were red.

"What was all the smoke and why are your eyes red? were you swimming in chlorine- oh a brownie" You say but cut yourself of when you see a bag full of brownies, you grab one of the brownies and shove the whole thing in your mouth, it was just what you needed after all the training.  You hear BEN giggling and you look at Jeff who looks spaced out when then he see's the bag of brownies in your hands and a look of realization washes over him.

"wait! don't eat that" He says, but it was too late. You look at the both of them, BEN still laughing and Jeff just looking at you with a shocked expression.

"what? I just ate a brownie"

You honestly don't remember much after that, you just remember BEN and Jeff acting funny and you all somehow ending up watching a movie, you finding it the most entertaining movie you ever watched.

(don't take this chapter seriously, I just did it for fun.  Also, don't do drugs ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2017 ⏰

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