Candy from a clown

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Chapter | 14

You just finished your fifth popsicle and you were feeling content with life after each popsicle your problems just seemed to drift away.  That was until Jeff stopped you by saying and I quote, 

"you know popsicles make you fat" and you just said, "popsicles make you fat?"  Then that's when you stopped. 

Jeff had gone the bathroom so at the moment you sat alone at the kitchen table, up until you heard the sound of approaching footsteps. You turned to look behind you expecting it to be Jeff, but it wasn't him.  instead, it was the monochrome clown known as laughing jack.  He smiled at you showing off his sharp shark-like teeth,  honesty Laughing jack was one of the only creepypastas that actually creeped you out a bit.  Maybe it was the fact he was a clown;  You weren't scared of clowns or anything but ever since you first saw the movie 'IT' they always left you with an eerie feeling. 

Jack, walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table in a chair right across from you.  You smiled hesitantly at him, He just looked at you with a shuddersome smile. 

"Hahaha, hi Y/n" He laughed

"hi," you said in a quiet tone. 

"so.." he started

"Now that you're a creepypasta, I thought we should celebrate, haha," Jack said while reaching into his pocket, before long he pulled out a black wrapped candy. 

"here have this as celebration," He said, while he hands you the black wrapped candy over the table, you grab it wearily.  You glance up at him as you take the candy in your hands, Jack gives you a go-on gesture, you had a strange feeling about this, but whats the worst that could happen? You question as you proceed to open the hard candy,  your aware you just ate popsicles but you knew you could make room for some candy.  You look down at the candy as you take it out of its wrapper, you thought maybe it would be black licorice flavored, seeing as its all black.  As your about to put the candy in your mouth, Jeff comes back into the room.  He looks at you with wide eyes.

"Y/n don-" he stopped mid-sentence, as you plopped the hard candy into your mouth. 
You gave him a look of confusion, as to why he cut himself off.  You move the candy in your mouth with your tongue, you feel yourself making a disgusted face at the favor. 

It's so bitter.  You thought, you did your best to chew it and swallow it and as you did, the sound of Jack laughing filled the room, you looked at him questioningly, before turning back to Jeff, he had a concerned expression on his face, but you didn't understand why.  

"hahaha, you shouldn't take candy from a stranger" Jack laughed. You peered your eyes in Jacks direction,

"what do yo-" You cut yourself off when you suddenly felt a burning sensation in your throat and stomach,  you winced in pain, Jeff then quickly came over to your side and bent down to whisper in your ear,

"snowflake, you'll be fine" he said softly.  you nodded haltingly before you started coughing, while the burning got worse. You coughed into your hand and you felt a warm liquid in your palm as well as it trickle down your chin.  You looked into your hand and saw blood.  

"J-Jeff" you stutted as the pain took over, you slowly grabbed Jeff's sleeve, 

I really hate pain.  You thought as your vision became blurry and you lost all feeling in your body, your hand falling to your side.  Until everything became dark.

Jeff's pov~

Y/n was falling forword about to hit her head on the table, but I quickly caught it before she could make contact.  I brought her head back up gently, but it just fell to the side lifelessly.  I looked at Jack with anger filled eyes.  I knew she was going to be fine, but I also knew she felt pain every time she died and I couldn't stand to see her in agony.

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