November, 27

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I look at the Calendar,
November 27
Circled red
Goddamn it!
I forgot to take it off my calendar.
Our date.
The day you confessed your undying love for me.
I sat there and thought,
who could ever love me?
Then here you come and just to take me away.
Isn't it funny how we only knew each other for three weeks?
You begged me.
I said no, wait.
Because I knew.
I knew she wouldn't like me.
It didn't matter to her.
She just hates me.
Your mother hates me.
Its cause I'm not the girl she wants for you.
She wants a cheerleader for you.
Someone who isn't what I am.
So go ahead date a whore.
Fuck a bitch or two.
Just know I'll always be here.
In the sidelines, watching you....

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