Serial Killer

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"Jake." Said Lieutenant Marie. For the last 2 weeks I dealt with every minor crime, every robbery, every single thing that she thought I could handle. I am one of her best detectives, but does she care? No. She only cares about the breakdown I had 4 months ago. One fucking mistake, and I'm in probation. She thinks I didn't notice the way she acts around me. And it's pathetic, she would shudder every time I'm doing something. She's still scared of me. I mean, I would like to stab her neck with a pen, being one of the quickest way to kill someone, but I won't. " I just got this file sent by our criminalistics department. Some of their guys are still there. This, anyway, is your first official case off-probation. Congrats!" I smirked victorious. Maybe she wasn't so bad after all. But I guess since 5 different bodies were found in the last two weeks, she needs someone who can finish the job faster.

I grab the file she left on my desk. I take my jacket, my keys and I start reading the file. A young lady, Caucasian, around 28, was found death in the dumpster. "A crime of passion. The boyfriend." I said out loud, lighting a cigarette on my way to the car. But something's off about this one. Usually, it's messier, the offender would be careless, he would be blinded by the rage or the jealousy. This looks premeditated. "3-4 days, 6 days top." I exhaled the smoke out of my body. The girl worked as a waitress, so it can be one of her clients. "Rape. No, no signs of rape." I keep talking to myself. I'm trying to find something wrong. I get in the car, slowly driving out of the parking lot.
"Son of a bitch!" I said when some idiot just cut in my way. The traffic light is red, so I light another cigarette to help me focus. I wasn't a smoker, I used to hate the smoke, the smell, everything about it. But somehow, I got addicted to the way it killed not only my body, but my anxiety too. I started looking at the file again, but it wasn't enough. I need to see the crime scene.

"Jake!" And I smile when I hear this familiar voice. "I thought I'd never see you here again." Caleb is my favourite lab guy, he's working with blood, DNA, and lots of materials that can be scanned, but he also enjoys being on the field. He's the best anyone could get on their cases.

"What have you found so far?" I asked.

"Well, you can see the greenish tone on her skin right here, on the finger, so she got divorced somewhere between 3 or 4 weeks ago. The ex-husband?"

"No, I don't think so. But get me his address, or get him to come at the police station. Are there any fingerprints on her neck? Or any DNA under her nails? It looks liked she struggled here, but the killer finally pushed her down near the dumpster, where she hit her head. What's the cause of death?"

"It looks like she was stroked to death right?" He answered. "And you're wrong, but that's what I would have guessed too. Actually, she was already dead when the killer dropped her here. She was actually reported missing 2 days ago, and she was poisoned. I don't want to say it, but we might face someone who knows how to eat this shit."

"I'll go and talk to some of her co-workers, and message me the husband's address. Call me if you find anything interesting." Or don't. This case will be over soon anyways. It's just another killer wannabe whose mind started falling apart after killing that poor women. It's just a matter of time until I find him or he surrenders, whichever comes first. The restaurant she worked at was one hour away from her, so I start driving. I turn the radio on, looking for something good, something to enjoy. But everything was awful. So I just stopped on a random music channel. The ex-husband has the reason and the possibility, but it doesn't suit he's profile. There were no signs of domestic violence. I don't think he did it. One of her clients, at least one of them has reason, and some of them the opportunity. But is one of them capable of faking a fight and a choking crime scene? The killer could be one of her colleagues, they could have had the opportunity, but what could have been the reason. I guess I'll have to think of the right question to ask, the right people to interrogate and the right holes in the stories that I can play around with.

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