Chapter 2

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It's been a week since I came to this island, I still haven't painted or drawn anything I'm satisfied with...What's my own art?

I came here to immerse myself in painting. To find something new. A change. And to triumph over that damn old man.



Zayn dropped his paintbrush, startled from Harry's sudden voice calling him. 'You again? Why do you come here everyday?'

'Cause I'm your commuter wife!'

Zayn looked at the kid in front of him dumbfounded, he face-palmed himself, 'Where did you learn that?'



Two figures appeared behind Harry waving their hands and smiling at him, a beautiful girl and a boy with feathery hair and deep blue eyes like of ocean.

'It's Louis and Cara!' Harry introduced making his way towards Zayn followed by the two teenagers.

'Oh! So this is the guy!' the guy Harry introduced as Louis said and Zayn doesn't know if he should be creeped out by the two who just entered his house without asking him if it was okay or not or just let Harry do anything he wanted or brings over whoever he wanted. The kids don't seem to listen to him so he chose the latter and just sighed.

'I've never seen someone in a badass look like that before' Cara said examining Zayn from head to toe.

'Haven't been to the base in a while 'cuz of you, y'know.' Louis said looking around the house.

'Hey! don't just wander without permission.'

"Aughh! The posters all torn down!'

'And CDs are gone too.'

'Hey! What are you two doin, barging in here?' Zayn scolded.

'You're the one who barged in!' countered Louis. 'This was our base! Anyway, where's our stuff? Don't tell me you pitched it!?'

'The stuff that was in here when I moved was all in that box.' Zayn rolled his eyes pointing at the box at the corner.

'Oh good! These are important to us y'know!'

'Look, this isn't your base anymore.' Just as Zayn was saying this, Louis and Cara started reposting the posters.

'hey! What are you putting up?'

'We ain't got no mind to leave here.'

'Well, leave! Someone lives here now!'

'C'mon man, don't be so uptight!' Louis said rolling his eyes at Zayn.

Zayn pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. First he's dealt with a kid called Harry and now he was dealing with teenagers too. ''s the two of you, wasn't it?' He picked up Harry in his armpits and shook him in front of Louis and Cara, 'you taught this child all those indecent words!'

Cara snickered and Louis looked at Zayn's furniture like he has no idea what he was talking about.

'You should be careful from now on.' Zayn scolded at the two, shaking his head in disappointment.

'Tellin' us that won't do any good!' Louis looked at Harry, 'You just memorize stuff you overheard us sayin, right?'

'yep. No one taught me nothing!' Harry confirmed nodding his head.

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