Thirty Eight

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Kelsey's Point of View:

From: Justin
I love you.

I stared at my phone, completely stunned and taken back at the words that glowed on the screen in front of me.

I’d be lying if I said I expected him to do this because in all honesty, I didn’t.

Usually when we got into fights, we’d either scream it out or do what we did earlier, fight then walk away from each other to cool off.

Expect this time around, I didn’t think he’d make an effort like he had those times before.

Something about how he acted earlier made me feel as if our chances of working things out were thinning.

But I guess I was wrong.

Biting my lip, I felt the pit of my stomach churn in an unknowing fashion.

A part of me wanted to say it right back and have everything go back to the way it was before.

Before we got into a fight, before everything flipped upside down.

But another part of me screamed for me not to. To let him suffer for hurting me again when he promised me he wouldn’t anymore.

I squeezed my eyes shut.

Why did he have to be so god damn difficult? Why couldn’t he be like normal boyfriends, caring and understanding?

I scoffed to myself.

I know why.

Because he’s Justin Bieber and he as well as our relationship is anything but normal.

Taking a deep breath, I decided to text back.

To: Justin
Me too.

Biting my lip, I clicked send, seeing my screen blink the words: message sent.

Stuffing my phone back into my jeans, I continued my way down the hall, heading off to class.

Justin’s Point of View:

From: Babe
Me too.

The words glowed from the screen of my iPhone, taunting me of the mistake I had made earlier before.

I was hoping that my words would make things better that she would see how sorry I was but it looks like I was wrong.

She wanted nothing to do with me at this point and to be completely honest, I didn’t blame her.

I fucked up. Big time.

“Hey man, you alright?” John asked as he took a seat next to me on the couch.

I limply shrugged. “She’s mad at me. The usual.” I cracked a small grin.

John, however, didn’t buy into it. Instead, he shook his head at me. “You care about that girl more than anyone yet you still find a way to screw things up.”

I pursed my lips, knowing he was right but, me being my stubborn self, didn’t want to give into his words. “It’s out of my control.” I whispered.

“The hell it is.” John barked causing me to snap my head up to look at him a bit stunned. John was the calmest of us all so to see him get so angry was a bit of a surprise to say the least. “You have control over the way you treat your girl. No one else does but you.”

I shifted my gaze away from him hesitantly.

“Out of all the shit you put that girl through, she’s still here. Standing tall. You’re never going to find a girl like that, Justin. Ever. I may not know her personally but I could tell she’s one tough chick. The way she handled you taking her, your lifestyle, the way we live… the bomb exploding on your car. She stayed and didn’t even spill a word about the shit we do.”

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