Forty Nine

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Kelsey’s Point of View:

“You want me to what?” Carly stared at me incredulously; her eyes and mouth wide open in shock.

I chewed on my bottom lip, not really knowing if this was a good idea right about now but I didn’t have much time--it was now or never. “I need you to pled witness on Justin’s behalf.”

Carly shook her head, trying to make sense of what I had just said.

“Please Carly,” I begged, desperation hidden beneath my words. “You’re his only hope.”

“Kelsey…” Carly shook her head. “I don’t think you know what you’re asking me right now.”

“I do, Carly. I do. You’re the only one who could do it. You were at the party that night aside from me whom both Justin and I know.”

“Kelsey, you’re asking me to lie to the cops for a criminal--”

“He is not a criminal, Carly.” I snapped venomously.

Right, that’s why he’s being evicted by the cops.” She spoke with sarcasm, rolling her eyes. “I completely see the logic behind that.”

“He didn’t do anything wrong! They just think he did which is completely unfair. He was with me that night, remember?”

Carly didn’t say anything. Instead, she just sighed. “Why can’t you just see that he’s bad for you? This is the perfect example as to why I don‘t want you going near him.”

“You’re not my parent, Carly! You’re my best friend! You’re supposed to be supporting me--” I shook my head, stopping myself abruptly from speaking any further of an explanation. “You know what?” I spat. “I don’t need this. Just go, I’ll figure something else out.” I hissed, about to turn my back on her when she shook her head.

“No, no…” Carly began, taking a deep breath.

I cautiously looked at her, curious as to what she’s going to say.

“I-I’ll do it…” She murmured, looking away.

My eyes enlarged. “You will?”

“Yes,” Carly nodded. “If it gets you as my best friend again, I’ll do anything.”

I bit back a smile, not fully knowing if I should believe her or not. “How do I know that you’re not lying to me?” I narrowed my eyes at her. “You basically just bashed my boyfriend a moment ago.” I crossed my arms against my chest.

“Because, Kels,” Carly fumbled on her feet. “As much as I know he’s bad news, for some odd reason, he makes you happy and as your best friend, all I want is that.”

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