Chapter 9

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Ji-Hye's POV:

I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Jess treated the wound on Yoongi's neck while waiting patiently what Gyeong will do.

"Gyeong, please" I said in a low voice. Eager for her to do it. To make him forget the terrifying experience he just had. Make him forget that our kind, vampires, are vicious creatures that will never change. They haven't for millions of years, so what will?

Gyeong looked at me with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I-I can't" she said, her voice breaking at the end.

I stayed silent and stared at Gyeong. She kept crying and was pleading with hers eyes to change my mind, but I already made up my mind. Since Gyeong is making it harder than it already is. It's on to plan B.

"Fine," I say and see Gyeongs eyes light up with relief but, "then I'll just disappear from his life, yours, your husbands, and Jess."

Gyeong frowns and then stands up. She looked angrier now. Her eyes glowed a royal blue color rather than her usual brown eyes. It was intimidating, but I stood my ground.

All of a sudden, I'm thrown into a wall. I hit the wall with my side and I felt my arm break. I groaned as I slid down the wall.

"Gyeong, calm down" I heard Chang-Min say, but Gyeong was pissed. I deserve being hit, thrown, whatever. I deserve it all.

I felt my eyes change it's color.

"Why? I don't get it. Why won't you stay with yoongi? How is this any of your fault? Sure, it was your family who did this, but you didn't do it. You didn't plan this with them. I know you aren't that kind of person to do this to him. I don't understand you, at all."

"...You don't have to understand me. In fact, I don't think anyone can. What makes you think that me staying by Yoongi's side will be safest thing to do? Huh? I grew up in a fucked up household. My father is an asshole that doesn't appreciate lives. Innocent human lives. He brainwashed my siblings into being emotionless little brats that tried to kill me before. Even worse, he killed my mother. The only one who was on my side and understood me. We shouldn't forget that he attacked Yoongi. He didn't succeed and he will keep on trying until he finally kills him. Lets not forget I went ape shit crazy when I saw what happened to Yoongi. I couldn't control myself. I could've hurt him--"

"But you didn't! You protected him because you cared! You aren't the only one who would've gone crazy for the one you love. I would've done the same if that happened to Chang-Min. Why don't you get it? You aren't the one at fault here" Gyeong now says with a soft tone in her voice. Her eyes change back to normal and her eyes are soft now as well.

But I don't change mine back to normal. I shake my head. I'm not a good person. I never was. It was until recently that I realized that.

"I already made up my mind so don't think you'll be able to change my mind easily. It's for the best for him and me. That's that. End of conversation.... and if you or anyone here comes near me. I won't hesitate to hurt you. I'm sorry, but if you're not gonna listen then maybe this is for the best." I slowly get up from the ground and take a step. I stumble a little bit, but after a few more steps I'm able to walk right. I look back at everyone who stared at me with pity faces which I hated. My eyes retuned to it's normal color. It was sad but with every step, my heart feels heavier. I ignore it and keep walking towards the door.

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