1. Trophy Wife

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looking back at this, i realize i wasn't in my best mindset when making this. also, this was made after a major writing block meaning it's not my best and shouldn't even be considered an actual sequel. however, it was what got me back into the swing of things so it'll stay up.

maybe one day i'll go through and rewrite it, making it the sequel it should of been.

"You look like shit."

"Yeah well so do you." I rolled my eyes and checked the time on my phone. We were on a tight schedule now. Not a moment could be wasted. "I gotta go. We have a meeting to get to and I'm already late." She just nodded and hung up.

Whatever I guess. I don't have time to bitch about it. Just would have thought after this long my own wife would have the decency to say bye.

I grabbed my jacket and made my way inside the venue. It was nice of our management to at least have the meeting where we were playing later that night. I knew being in a band would be hard, but I never thought it'd require traveling everywhere just to set up some tours.

That's the price of fame though. We have to do things we don't want to. We have to spend insane amounts of time away from our families. I'm not complaing too much though, I love our fans. We really wouldn't be anywhere without them.

"It's about time you got here, Carson." The balding old man glared at me, as if I was the last person he wanted to see. Which I wouldn't doubt it if I was. "Sit. We are talking to some very important people today."

Grabbing a seat next to Maxx, I flicked through the packets on the small desk. It was the same shit every meeting. Important people, important things, are you even listening Carson, what's gotten into you lately, etc. I was tired of everyone asking me that.

I stared at the old guy, apparently named Andrew Harlow. It was easy to zone him out. He had a monotone voice, kind of like a dull buzzing. I'd rather be anywhere but here. Mostly one place, but I wouldn't be there for a while.

After what seemed like an actual lifetime, Andrew finally let us go to practice and set up. I kept starring at the wall, thinking of anything to get me excited for the show. The fans? The interviews?

"Dude, come on." Zach muttered and grabbed my arm, yanking me toward the stage. "What's gotten into you? You just seem so...off lately. Everything alright? I mean I know you miss home, we all do, but I've never seen you get this way before." He sounded so worried. I couldn't lie to him. But at the same time, I didn't know what was wrong with myself either.

I shrugged and fiddled with one of the guitars. I just wanted today to end already. I wanted this tour to be over. I wanted to be with my family. If I kept feeling this way, I'm not sure I'll be able to be on the road anymore.

He just sighed and started practicing. It seemed like he gave up talking to me. Everyone did now. I wasn't "myself". I wasn't worth holding a conversation with, I mean hell, even a wall would give you more answers than I do.

It was about two hours until we let the people with VIP in. The show wouldn't start for another two. Fuck, today was just dragging on. Maybe tomorrow would be better, but I've been saying that for the past month and it never has.

A girl walked up to me, her face so bright and happy. I couldn't let this sadness get in the way of meet and greets. So I just smiled and seem as happy as I could muster.

Everyone's words kind of jumbled together after a while. I don't even remember finishing the meeting and greet, or staring the actual show. I don't remember watching any of the other bands play. I don't remember anything.

Come to think of it, I haven't been able to remember things like that for a while now. It sucked to forget about every happy face, everyone telling us their life story, everyone in general. It seemed as if I could only remember big events now. Like the time I got a new dog, I can't remember anything else that happened that day or even yesterday.

I really hoped I got better soon.

"Hey, we're all gonna go and give you some space. We'll be out at the local bar, don't wait up too much." Maxx said as we got back on the bus. I just nodded and made my way to the back lounge. I don't know what I intended to do, something until I passed out obviously. I could still hear the rest of the band talking about me. They really were worried, but they have to learn we all have our bad days. Mine was just dragging out longer than usual.

I turned on some news channel to drown them out and shut my phone off. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now, much less have any of the guys get drunk and bother me.

"The high for tomorrow is 30, the low 19. Slight wind chill." Of course it had to be freezing. "There was recently some layoffs in some major companies. Another terrorist attack happened earlier today in Aleppo." I don't get why people can't just fuck off and let everyone be. There was no need for this useless violence. But it was ingrained us after thousands of years. It wasn't going away any time soon. "The Eagles won, in a tight game, the score being 7 to 6."

It went on like that for a while. They would say some sports outcome, the weather, something terrible that happened earlier this week, and then follow it up with what's playing later as if nothing happened.

I guess that's the thing with humans. They don't wanna think about bad things. It makes them scared. I can understand, but you can't just ignore a major threat to a certain country and then talk about what time The Kardashians are going to be on. Who the hell even likes them still?

I was starting to feel sleepy, so I stumbled to my bunk. I didn't even bother about getting under the covers or checking my phone before I passed out.

♡ Or Will You Not? || Cody Carson {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now