5. Lovely Sad

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I was still cleaning  my face from Kota and I's little fight last week. Never put pizza on your face kids, it will only give you terrible acne and be a pain in the ass to clean up after. There was so much smushed into the carpet, it was unreal. We just ended up cleaning it as best we could and throwing a small rug over the stains it left.

What? I wasn't going to pay someone to come to our house, cut out the piece of carpet, and then just put the same carpet in. It was such a waste of money honestly. You know what I could do with that money? Spend it on more pizza.

It also didn't help when you had a beard going and you had to pop the pimples there. It hurt like a bitch. You end up pulling out little hairs that want to be stubborn and grow right above the pimple, or just end up scratching your face In general. Yeah, it sucked.

"Babe, you look like a kid who saw his first ever strand of facial hair and won't shave because he's 'A man'. " Kota threw one of Odie's dog toys at me and sat in the doorway of the bathroom. Seriously, why was she always sitting on the floor? "Other words, you look like you have pubes on your face."

I rolled my eyes and threw it back, almost hitting her in the face because she was too busy picking at a lose strand on her shirt. "Oh haha, you're so funny. You weren't complaining about it last night though, if I recall correctly."

"I'm never cuddling with you again while you still have stubble." She grabbed my dog and rolled away. What the fuck just happened. I stepped out of the bathroom and looked around for her. Where the fuck did she go? I swear to god, she was always hiding somewhere.

I just sighed and grabbed my phone from her desk. I wonder what new filters Snapchat had today. I haven't done a basic bitch dog selfie in a while. That would give me a reason to go to Starbuks anyway. I had to get that white girl aesthetic. If I was going to be basic, I was going to be as fucking basic as possible.

I opened up Snapchat and went through some of the messages I've been sent. It was nice seeing pictures of some people's collection of merch, their pets, or how we helped them over come a had time in their life. That's the best part about being in a band honestly. I loved it. That and touring the world. I always kind of wanted to travel the world, and what better reason could I have than this?

There was a few people that sent me unsettling things. It sucked that some people thought it was okay to send their fave band member pictures of their scars. Like I get it, we helped you and everything but please don't send us those pictures. I know there's a few people out there who are still struggling with that, and really don't want to see that. It's just not cool dude. Don't do that alright?

There was this one girl who kept sending me nudes. It was weird honestly. I tried blocking her every time, but Snapchat never registers it I guess. It was annoying, and not to mention fucked up. If you want someone to look at how great your nudes are, just post them on tumblr or some shit. I mean, they were greats nudes if I was honest. But still, I didn't wanna have them in my phone.

They still had the dog filter, so I guess if I was gonna go take a selfie with it, I'd have to go Starbucks. Which, I didn't mind actually. But they usually spelt my name wrong, and holy hell was it annoying.

So I changed and grabbed my keys from the kitchen, not seeing a sign of Kota anywhere. You would have thought I'd know all her hiding places by now, but it's like they keep changing every day. Oh well,  I still knew how to get her attention.

I crossed my arms and leaned against the door. "Babe, Starbucks." She peeked her around the couch. How did I not see her when I walked down the stairs? You know what, I'm not ever gonna question what she does anymore. I swear I'm never gonna understand her sometimes.

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