Hello...lovely people
I'm writing this to state a few things about myself...I promise I won't be long.😊(not)Anyway, I'm Daisy (I don't know why I'm writing my name again, it's up there already
↑↑↑😄)Moving on, I'm an advisor of this project/campaign.
I decided to be an advisor because that's what I do best, I give phenomenal advises that can help in the future or in problems that bother an individual.I've helped so many people on this bumpy road we call life, we must all survive but we can't do that alone now can we? Nope.
I'm a really young soul and I live life as much as I can because not everyone has the privilege.
I'm my own flower.
An introvert.
A nerdy weirdo.
A gamer.
Lover of sports, rain, chocolate, cookies, The flash, sweaters, winter, Charlie Puth (his voice *sighs dramatically*😍)
And of course don't forget puppies!!!!
Who wouldn't love this little guy