First Date

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Spencer Reid: One day after you were returning home on the jet from Los Angeles California where you just finished solving a murder case. While you were reading your favorite book by Charles Dickens,Spencer looks up at you and smiles and he says,"Y/N would you like to go to dinner with me after we land at the landing field?" You blush a deep red and say,"of course spence I'll go to dinner with you as soon as we land on the landing field." You both smile at each other and go back to reading the books that you were both reading separately.

Derek Morgan: You just got back to the BAU headquarters and you were exhausted and while you were putting everything in your bag to go home when Morgan comes up from behind you and wraps his arms around your waist and gently places kisses on your neck and you giggle saying,"hey babe what's up?" He replies by saying,"I'm in the mood to cuddle and have a romantic dinner at my house if you're game that is babe?" You reply,"of course babe I'm done packing my bag lets get going." You arrive at Morgan's house and you sit on the couch and get on Twitter tweeting to you're followers I'm about to have a romantic dinner and a cuddle session with y amazing gorgeous boyfriend Derek Morgan.

Aaron Hotchner:  You walked into hotch's office because he needed to talk to you about something. You announce that you're there and Hotch walks up to you and asks you,"Y/N would you like to go to the movies with me as soon as I'm done packing up?" You reply,"of course hotch I'll wait for you near the elevators."

David Rossi:  You're chatting with JJ and Rossi comes up to you and asks JJ if he could to you and JJ replies,"yes you can." JJ walks away and Rossi walks up to you and asks you if he could cook for you at his mansion you gladly accept the invitation and you drive with him to his mansion he cooks all of your favorites and you sit down and eat.

A/N: Sorry that Hotch's and Rossi's are a little short I'm running out of ideas anyways I'll update on Friday and then Sunday Byeeeeeeeee my beautiful profilers😘😘😘😘

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