A Question

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Before the summer began, he knew he wanted to propose to her. He discussed this with his parents and Mabel before they left California and believe him, that was an embarrassing discussion. Now he sat in the shack, staring at his mother's engagement ring in his hands. Butterflies in his stomach didn't quite describe the nervousness he felt.

He stood up, shoving the ring into the front pocket of his jeans and walked down the steps. Mabel stood at the bottom and gave him a questioning look. He just nodded in response, which Mabel knew what it meant.

Dipper put his shoes on and stepped out the door, the nervousness spreading throughout his body. He got in his truck and made his way to where they decided to meet. He felt as if the t-shirt under his button up was choking him. Dipper didn't think he had ever been this nervous in his twenty one years of being alive.

He arrived at their spot where she was waiting. His breath hitched in his throat and his palms were sweating more than a pig. He got out of his truck and made his way to her, patting his pocket to make sure the ring was still there and it was.
They came to the very spot Grunkle Ford took him to all those years ago. They were overlooking the UFO spot in the cliffs and Dipper felt like his heart was trying to beat it's way out of his chest.

He took both of her hands into his and said, "Pacifica, there's something I want to ask you."

She looked up at him and asked, "Yes, Dipper?"

He reached into his pocket for the ring and took in another deep breath, just as he heard a grumbling sound coming from his left. He turned his head just to see a gremoblin headed straight for them.

"Pacifica, stay behind me. I've faced this creature before."

"Oh like I'm going to let you have all the fun."

Dipper rolled his eyes at her stubbornness and stated, "The only way to easily defeat him is to knock him over the cliff."

"Got it."

Dipper walked to the left and Pacifica to the right, hoping to confuse the creature into who to attack first. Their plan seemed to work and they got behind him, driving him towards the edge. The creature swiped at them and it barely missed Pacifica's arm. Dipper pushed the creature further to the edge and Pacifica delievered the kick that knocked the gremoblin over the cliff. They could hear it hitting various surfaces on the way down.

They were both breathing heavily and Pacifica looked at Dipper and asked, "So... What were you... going to ask me?"

Dipper dug the ring out of his pocket and got down on one knee, trying to get the nerves to subside long enough and asked her, "Pacifica Elise Northwest, we've been dating awhile now and I wanted to know if you would like to spend the rest of our lives together?"

Pacifica felt the tears running down her cheeks and she just nodded saying, "Yes." a few times in the mix.

Dipper stood back up, sliding the ring onto her left ring finger and grabbed her face in his hands, wiping the tears away before kissing her deeply.

A Summer RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now