Chapter 6

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"You know Y/N, Harry hasn't stopped looking at us this whole time." Liam says as he takes another bite of his food. I take a quick glance behind me and sure enough there's Harry being not so subtle while he hawks at us. Why is he doing that? Does it bother him that I'm with Liam? Well it's his fault. I asked him to hang with me but no he chose to go with her instead.
I turn back my attention to Liam, taking another bite of my food.

"Don't mind him, he's being ridiculous." I shrug. I really am uncomfortable that Harry hasn't taken his eyes off of us.

"If I'm not mistaken he looks a bit.. Ticked off." Liam says taking a sip of his drink.

"I honestly don't know why he's being like this. He's the one who blew me off for.." I lower my voice, "bitch-witch." I say cocking my head to one side. He brings his hand to his mouth and silently laughs.

"How did you even come up with that name?" He asks.

"I don't know.. Because she's a bitch, and a witch. I've known her for like what? Two days and already I can't stand her."

"You mean you can't stand her because you like Harry?" He says a little too loudly. I swear he could've heard that. I take one quick peek at their table, but he's too distracted by Kendall babbling on about some ridiculous story I bet. For once I thank her for distracting Harry.

"Wanna say it any louder? I don't think the rest of America heard you." I scoff at him. He throws his head back in laughter and I scowl at him for being so careless.
"I'm serious Liam. Quiet down." I rather not look over to Harry's table since I'm assuming he's looking at us again.

"I'm sorry. You look so cute when you scowl." I feel my cheeks flush a deep red at the words of him calling me 'cute'.

"Whatever." I shake my head at him. "I'm going to the bathroom. It should be on the other side, right?" I ask Liam.

"Yeah." He nods. I get up from my seat and begin to walk towards the back.

"Men... Girls. There we go." My hand reaches for the knob, but to my luck the door is locked. I forgot you have to ask for a stupid key. I let my forehead fall on the door, banging it a few times.

"Y/N." Harry's deep voice makes me jump. I lift my head up to meet his eyes which seem to be glaring at me. It's an intimidating stare but not one that I'm sort of accustomed to.

"Jesus, Harry you scared the hell out of me." I half whisper, holding my hand over my rapidly pounding heart.

"Sorry. Anyway, can we talk?" Is this the right time? I have to pee and I really hate asking people for certain things, especially for bathroom keys.

"Is this really an adequate time to talk?" He crosses his arms and nods. I deeply sigh and gesture for him to continue.

"One, are you mad at me for not wanting to hang out today? And two, why are you here with Liam?" I don't get how this is any of his business, but he's right about the first question. There's no denying that one.

"Yes and because I can." I state bluntly. Who does he think he is interrogating me?

"Why and why?" He's being so inquisitive and it's so annoying. Typical Harry, he's stopping at nothing till he gets his full answers. Usually, I'd find his persistence adorable but right now it's too annoying and my bladder is going to implode any second now. Damn key people!

"The first reason is pretty obvious and I don't have to explain to you why I'm here with Liam. He's my friend." I annunciate the word friend for him to hear more than clearly. "Don't you have a woman to get back to?"

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