Chapter 11

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My eyes flicker open and I'm blinded by sunlight. My head is throbbing and I feel like it's going to explode any second now.

But I'm not alone, my body's wrapped in someone and I'm tightly being held.

When I look up I see Harry's angelic face sleeping. His mouth is slightly parted and his curls are sticking to his forehead. What the hell? Am I dreaming? If I am, don't wake me. I try to remember last night's events but everything is so vague, I remember a few things. I kissed Liam, that I remember clear as day. I don't know why or how Harry got in my bed, but I'm not in the slightest bit scared. I try not to wake him, but the bed creaks and his eyes jolt open. He looks confused at first but then realizes where he is.

"Oh, you're awake." He says in a raspy morning voice. He sounds so sexy at the moment, how the hell did I let all this time happen and not make one move on him?... Oh, yeah our friendship.

"Yeah and I'm going to die." I laugh lightly. "What the hell happened Harry?" As much as I try to remember much of what happened last night and why he's in my bed, I can't. Though I'm not complaining, I do remember him saying he was going to take me home and me resisting. I didn't expect him to stay.

"You really don't remember?" I shake my head as he sits up releasing me from his tight hold. Damn it, no keep holding me.

"How did this happen?"

"Well after I brought you home, you went on about some things that even I didn't expect to hear. One being that you were in love with me." He chuckles lightly and I feel all the blood drain from my face. Fuck, did I confess everything? And why is he laughing about it? I'm literally panicking on the inside and I'm sure I'm going to pass not only from this horrible hangover, but because I'm not careful with my words.

"I said that?" I say trying to sound confused as to why I said that. I really hope he disregards it because of how intoxicated I was. Part of me wishes that he'd just know the truth, but I know better.

"Yeah, you said a lot of things. If anything, I'm sure you're in love with Liam. That was quite a kiss you both had going on there. I was so close to pulling him away from you." I'm in love with you idiot why can't you see that?

Shit, I forgot about Liam. I feel so horrible for what I did, that kiss probably meant something to him, that's if he really does like me. This is all so messed up.

"I am not in love with Liam, and neither you. That kiss was not meant to happen but it did." I defend myself. Though I hate to admit it, it was such a blissful kiss. No guy has ever kissed me like that.

"I'm sure you're not." He says sarcastically. I don't have time for his antics this early in the morning.

"Harry don't scold me right now, you're not making my head feel any better." I say holding my hand to my forehead.

"That's why I left you an aspirin." He points to my nightstand. I reach to grab it and the water bottle standing next to it. I scarf it down as quickly as possible to rid of my post-drunk-party fiasco.

I haven't addressed the big elephant in the room, and I think it's about time I should.

"Why are you in my bed anyways?"

"Because a little drunk someone practically begged me not to go. And you looked so adorable, how could I say no?" My heart flutters at him calling me adorable. Oh Christ Y/N, shut up.

"So you couldn't stay on the floor?" 'Really?' my subconscious is tapping her foot on the floor and scowling at me. She's back I see.

"The way you wrapped your arms around me tells me otherwise." He winks. I think I'm flushing, I can actually feel my cheeks turning red.

"How could you forget my birthday?" I now remember why I was supposed to be mad at him. I notice I'm still in my maroon long sleeve and black skirt. I should really change, I hate sleeping in daytime clothes.

"I'm sorry Y/N. Kendall-" I stop him from finishing and shake my head. He doesn't even have to continue the moment I hear her name.

"Of course, you forgot my birthday because of her." I cross my arms against my chest and sigh. The sting of him forgetting still lies there, along with all the fucked up things I did yesterday.

"Are you really mad at me?" He asks seriously. His back is pressed against my headboard and his long legs are spread across my bed. His hair is tussled to perfection and I can't help but stare at how handsome he is.

"No Harry, I was mad when you didn't tell me about Kendall, I was mad when you blew me off for her, now I'm just disappointed. But it is what it is. I'm not gonna force you to worry about me because I'm not your priority, I'm not your girlfriend she is." The words come out as bitter as they are.

"Why don't you like her? Please just tell me. Tell me why you've been acting so weird around me ever since I came back. Y/N you're supposed to confide in me not run away. I need you to tell me." He pleads. I feel overwhelmed by emotion and there's a lump forming in my throat. I mustn't cry, no. I need to be strong.

"I can't Harry." My voice cracks and I choke back tears.

"Why?" He urges pleadingly.

"Because the truth would fuck up everything. So just let it go." I try getting up from my bed but Harry's quick to catch my wrist. It's not an aggressive hold, but it is tight.

I lose my balance and my body falls on top of his. His face is dangerously close to mine, his lips are nearly inches away from mine.

His hands are holding me by the waist. He looks at me straight in my eyes, his beautiful green eyes glistening towards my dull eyes.

I find my eyes flickering down to his lips, and in that moment nothing else exists to me but this.

His eyes flicker down to my lips too, and he licks his.

I find myself leaning in closer and closer, our mouths only centimeters away from touching, my heart is beating like crazy and my blood is pumping faster than ever before.

"Harry.." I whisper leaning in closer, but suddenly my phone goes off and I jolt up. I space myself from him and see that Liam's name plastered across my phone screen. I swipe on answer.

I look up to Harry who's standing up now, huffing and pacing, running a hand through his long hair.

"Hey Liam." I say trying to sound like I wasn't just about to kiss Harry. The blood is still pumping fast and I'm trembling. I wasn't going to stop, I didn't want to. I wanted his lips on mine more than anything.

"No, I'm fine really. I made it home safely.... Yeah.... He does?" I put my hand over the speaker and look towards Harry.

"Liam's car?" I mouth to him. He looks a bit confused, but then remembers whatever it is that's going on.

"Come over? Umm, yeah that's fine." I say onto the small speaker phone. Harry frowns and huffs. He walks over to his socks and shoes that are on the floor and begins to put them on.

"Alright... Bye Liam." I hang up and let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding.

"You're leaving?" I ask Harry hopelessly.

"Yeah I kind of took Liam's car last night, so I take it I need to return it." He doesn't look at me in the eye. I simply nod and look around the room. Everything has just gotten so awkward. Almost kissing to being interrupted by my phone.

"I'll call you later. I still need to make up for forgetting your birthday." He half smiles. I return him a half smile and he leans in to leave a small kiss on my cheek. My breath hitches a little bit. I see him walk out of my bedroom door. Once I hear the door shut from the front, I drop myself on my bed and bring my hands to my head. We were so close, so close. I don't think I would've stopped anything from happening. I have never craved a man's touch like I've craved for Harry's. I want to feel nothing but pure bliss and euphoria.

I finally get up from my bed after laying there for a few minutes. I should really shower. I grab my clean undergarments and towel. I have to face Liam later and just really clear up this dilemma. Today's definitely not going to be smooth, yet again, when have these past days been smooth? If anything, it's been hell, nothing but agonizing and intense. I'm sure I'm way pass crazy, now I'm just simply delusional..

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