Chapter 21

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I am seconds away from throwing up on the spot. Watching the way she's slobbering his mouth with hers. How could she? How the fuck could she do this to Harry?

I'm frozen and I don't know what to do, my mind keeps telling me to go charge at her and beat the hell out of her ago, but this is a public place and I won't cause a scene. It's not worth it for this piece of trash. Finally I break from my trance and muster up the strength to move my feet, seconds later my hand grasps her shoulder and I'm pulling her back making her lose her balance and stumble.

"What the hell?" She says recovering her balance. When she looks up to meet my eyes, all blood drains from her face.

I am fuming with anger and it is taking every part of me not to slap her across the face. Though my hands are clenched shut at my sides. The man beside her looks oddly confused as he looks back and forth between me and this two timing whore.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I growl whisper enough for the both of them to hear. The few people in the shop have their attention away from us so luckily we aren't attracting too much attention.

"Kendall how could you? How could.. What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him, so keep your mouth shut Y/N," She threatens. Is she being serious or is she joking?

"Keep my mouth shut? You're cheating on your boyfriend, MY best friend. I am not going to keep my mouth shut," I say aggressively. We've brought attention over to us as people now are staring. Good, let them know too who this two timing, two faced whore is.

"Are you sure you want to hurt the love of your life?" She challenges. So she officially knows, did Harry tell her or was it on instinct?

"Oh don't give me that look as if you don't know what I'm talking about. Your eyes nearly fall out of their sockets every time you lay them on him."

"That doesn't matter right now-" She cuts me off.

"Oh but it does you see if you tell Harry what any of this, you will regret it." She threatens once again.

I want to drag her by her hair and ram her against the wall and give her everything she deserves but honestly my heart is too broken for Harry that I can't even react.

"How long have you been doing this to him?" I whisper. My voice is cracking and becoming weak. I'm losing it.

She turns her gaze away from me, not looking at me. Something tells me she's been doing this since the beginning.

"How long?" I repeat myself more urgently.

She says nothing and her silence tells me it's been a while.

"You know it doesn't matter what you tell him. Why would he believe you? He knows you don't like me, he'd just think you're a liar. Which you are, you're a compulsive liar. Run, go tell him." Part of me knows she's right. Harry knows my hatred for this woman why would he believe me? I've never given him a reason to not believe me. Harry and I may have kissed but right away he thought about her and how she would feel. But she has the nerve to slobber some guy out in the public when people clearly know Harry and her are dating.

"We'll see about that," I defend. I am fuming with anger and I don't know how I am containing myself right now.

"Y/N, you are not going to do this," she calls out loudly. I ignore her, she's not getting away with it. I have much more credibility than her, I just hope he listens to me.

I take one last look at her and the guy, giving them both the death stare as I turn my heel and exit the shop, I'm mentally running into a brick wall. I have to get to Harry quickly, before she does. I waste no time in unlocking my door and climbing into the driver's seat.

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