Rest of my life - Max Verstappen

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[Max is 23 here

Request by LucyReus]

You jump into the arms of your boyfriend's sister, Victoria. Max, your boyfriend, just won another race, making it his second in a row. He started from Pole Position and lead the entire race. He did amazing and you can't believe he did it.

"He did it!" Victoria yells, saying your thoughts out loud. You laugh along with her, while she pulls you outside and towards the podium. Andrew, Max's head engineer, pulls us to the front of the barrier. The entire Red Bull team is standing there, as Daniel, Max's teammate, came in 2nd, them having a Red Bull 1-2.

Stoffel Vandoorne came in 3rd, which is his first podium of the season. It's his home GP as well, even more than Max's. Stoffel is Belgium, Max being Dutch, but it's the closest GP to Holland.

"From the Netherlands, Max Verstappen!" is being yelled on stage. Max comes running up there, fist pumping. The team, Victoria and I cheer loudly. Max's eyes lock with mine. He waves as the Dutch national anthem starts. You wave at him, smiling. You have a hard time holding back the tears.

They get their trophy's and they spray their champagne, Max pointing towards the team and you. Victoria and you squeal, holding your hands in front of your faces, to cover it.

The boys get their own caps back and a microphone. Olaf Mol, a Dutch commantator, walks onto stage, as he is doing the podium interviews.

"Max, I believe before we start of with the quetions, you wanted to ask a question yourself, right?" Olaf asks Max, making you frown. But when you look at Victoria, she is grinning.

"Yes, I want to ask if my girlfriend could come up here? Y/N?" Max asks, looking at you. Andrew takes your hand, leading you towards the stairs for the podium. You get up the stairs and he leads you to Max, who is holding out his hand for you.

Y/N, I kind of made a promise with myself. That if I'd win, I'd do this, so here I am. I am the luckiest man on the world, having you, being able to call you mine. You're here for me, every single day and I try to be there for you as well. It's a bit hard sometimes, but you're always so understanding. From my first ever win in Spain 5 years ago, to this win today, you've supported me, when others called my driving bad and told me I wasn't worth for Formula 1. You and I both ignored it, living in our own little world. I want to continue doing that, for the rest of my life, with you. I want you by my side, for every day, the rest of my life. I want to hold your hand as often as I please. I want to be able to kiss you, at every moment of the day. I want to be able to call you mine, for the rest of my life. And I want you to call me yours, for your entire life" Max starts and turns to Olaf, who hands him something. He turns back around to you and kneels down on one knee. You gasp, putting a hand in front of your mouth, tears forming.

"Y/N, will you marry me?" he asks you. Without having to think about it, you nod your head.

"Yes, off course" you say, laughing. Max smiles brightly, sliding the ring on your finger and kisses you.

"I love you, so much" Max says, as everyone cheers. Daniel and Victoria being the loudest.

"I love you too"

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