Handsome - Daniel Ricciardo

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You're sitting in the garage of your boyfriend, waiting for him to finish up after a practice session. Tonight, you and Daniel will have dinner with other drivers, which you are excited about. You have a good bond with most of the drivers.

You smile when you see your favorite driver coming your way. For some reason, he has an enormous smile on his face. I mean, he usually is smiling, all day long, but this one is different.

"Are you ready to go?" he asks you. You decide to not ask about it yet, so you just nod, standing up.

A couple of hours later, you and Daniel walk into the restaurant, that's been rented for just the drivers and their girlfriends and wifes.

Daniel and you greet everyone. You sit down next to Hanna, Sebastian's girlfriend. You and her are very good friends, as you're also good friends with Sebastian.

Daniel sits down next to you.

"I have to show you something" Daniel says and grabs his phone. He goes to his Instagram and scrolls down. He then turns his phone around and you laugh.

"What is it?" Sebastian asks, curious as to why you are laughing

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"What is it?" Sebastian asks, curious as to why you are laughing. Daniel shows Sebastian his phone, smirking at him. Sebastian chuckles and looks at you.

"I obviouslt agree" you say, smiling at Daniel, who smiles even brighter now.

"Obviously" Sebastian says. Most drivers are now here, and Daniel is still holding his phone, so you kind know what he is going to do.

"Hey everyone! Turns out I'm the best looking driver! Ha! Suckers" Daniel says, laughing at himself. I shake my head.

"Who said that? Y/N?" Lewis asks, probably annoyed that it is not him. Daniel shakes his head.

"Although I do agree with the statement" you say.

"Just some random Instagram account named me the best looking one" Daniel says and shoes Lewis his phone. More people look at him.

"I'm sure you agree as well?" Max asks Daniel. Daniel smirks, while you just look at him. Daniel is very handsome, it still amazes you. Even your friends from back home say it.

"Okay, but if Y/N agrees, who is runner up then?" Lewis asks, hoping I'll say him.

"Make that a top 3" Daniel tells me and kisses my head.

"Why should I say it?" You ask, a bit emberassed.

"Because your boyfriend is already number one, so your opinion is valid" Carlos says, smiling. You just sigh and look around the table.

"I'd say Sebastian and Max" you say, making both guys smile bright, high fiving each other. Lewis pouts, making people laugh.

"But guys, I'm the best one!" Daniel says, laughing once more. I just look at him and giggle.

"It sometimes amazes me how I keep up with you" you say to him. Daniel pouts slightly, before quicky pressing a kiss to your lips.

"It's because you love me" he says. You nod at him.

"I do" you say.

"And because I'm the best looking driver" he says, grinning.

I loved writing this one! Request by lovestorieswriter Hope you liked this one! Xxxxxxx

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