It will be alright - Nico Hulkenberg

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You sit on the couch in your appartment, staring into blank space. You have been in this position for about an hour. Before that, you just stood in the shower, not really doing anything, just letting the water run over your body.

You don't really know what to do anymore. A week ago, your parents were killed in a car accident. You are an only child, so you are left with no family.

To top it off, the only person who understands you, who would be able to make you feel better, is away. He is in China, for a race. He is a racing driver in Formula one.

Sometimes, I come with, but this time, I couldn't. It's as if I knew something was going to happen. Nico has been gone for a week now as well. And you miss him, so damn much.

You had hoped he would be home by now, but you haven't heard from him yet. You actually live with Nico, but since your parents died, you've stayed in your childhoods home. You also have to empty the house, so it can be selled, but you are not ready for that yet.

You suddenly hear someone opening the door to the house. You just keep staring at the wall, not feeling like moving or even talking to whoever walks in. It might be an uncle or something.

"Y/N?" you hear your favorite German accent ask. You slowly look up and see Nico standing there, looking worried. He walks over to you and sits down next to you.

"How'd you know I was here?" you hear yourself ask, but it goes outside of your control.

"When I got home and you weren't there, I figured you'd be here" he starts, grabbing your hand.

"Wow, you're so cold" he mumbles, pulling of his hoodie and hands it to you. You just stare at it. You feel frozen, only being able to speak.

"Baby? Can I do something for you?" Nico asks you. Just because of how sweet he is, you finally let yourself break. You starts crying, very hard. Nico immediately puts his arms around you, pulling you close and letting you cry.

"I don't feel anything, except for sadness" you say, in between sobs and tears. Nico just rubs over your back.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you, I'm so sorry" Nico says to you, genuinly sounding sad and sorry. You just push your head against his chest. You feel a tiny bit of happiness, being back into Nico's arms.

"I'm never leaving you behind anymore. I'll take you with me, every time" Nico mumbles, kissing your head.

"I've been staring. The days have passed by my staring at a freaking wall" you mumble, not remembering you doing anything else than that, sleeping or showering. Well, sleeping? More like closing your eyes and opening them again.

"God, I'm so sorry" Nico says again.

"It's not your fault. You have a job, Nico" you say, not wanting him to feel so guilty.

"No, this was the one time when you needed me and I wasn't here. That makes me feel like shit and I can't even imagine how it makes you feel" Nico says. You feel a tear falling onto your shoulder, as he's crying as well.

"Nico?" you look up at him as he looks at you.

"You're here now" you say, making him smile slightly. He leans in and kisses you.

"I'm here now" he says.


God, this made me cry.

Request by Mejseamanda93

Hope you liked it! xxxx

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