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Wait, he remembers me!? I nod repeatedly and take a step closer as he does as well.

"Do you know each other?" Sammy  walks in front of us waving a hand in between our faces. I take a quick glance and then look back at Ben.

He's changed a lot since I last saw him. He has visible purple rings under his eyes and is much paler. He looks, broken, and difficult to repair to the old confident Ben he was before. But I think we're all broken now, though its much more noticeable when you look at him. It's funny how in a few months you could drastically change. However it was alien invasion so that's an exception.

He also seem's, tired? Yea, tired? Like he'd rather just pull the trigger on himself then wait for the others to get to him first. I don't blame him though, I'm sure many of us would rather go now than wait for them to do the job. Letting them take us out would only give them the satisfaction of victory but we still have our pride and we wont let them take that from us too.

"You guys just gunna keep staring, 'cause I can move your things here."

I know I said I wanted to find ringer and the rest of the squad but this was just horrible timing.

Ringer steps in between us and doesn't even bother to look at Ben and faces me. "Do I need to ask again?" She says, hands on her hips as she looks pretty annoyed by me.

"Um," I look to my side and see Narcissus  just as annoyed as Ringer. 
The rest of the squad just looks confused.

"Listen princess our time is up, lets go." she says pointing at the door. "We have training in 15 minutes and we have to get ready.

"Yea just, let me say bye." I say crouching down to say bye to sam.

"We'll be outside the door, you have 3 minutes." she says walking out the door while everyone fallows her out the door except for Short Cakes who mouths 'thats him?' and I nod as he walks out.

"Ill find u later, ok?" I say as Sam nods. I get back up and look at Ben who looks uncomfortable where he stands.

"Um, hi" I say not knowing what else to say since we never really talked to much.

"Yea, what a surprise seeing someone else from back home."

"Yea I know, strange." Was the best I can say.

"Hey," he says " you dont have to worry about your brother I'm keeping him out of trouble."

"Oh," I say looking back at Sam and side hugging him. "Yea thanks."

"He's a good kid and he's been training really hard."

"Um good." I say.

"Ugh this is boring." I hear from the other side of the door "COME ON, KISS HIM OR SOMETHING." I'm sure I was bright red by then. From the other side of the door I could hear shushes at Narcissist.

"So are you guys leaving anytime soon or something?" I said, deciding to change the subject.

"Actually," he said laughing at himself "we're about to leave so I guess I better call the others." he says looking at the side clock.

"Well I would invite you guys to join us back but my squad seems like they cant wait another second."

"Thats fine, come on Sam" he says as I look back at Sam and kiss his forehead.

He walks by Ben and they start to leave as Ben turns his head to look back at me "See you around, Breeder." he says smirking and I chuckled as I wave at them.

And know its time to make my squad wish they had never met me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2016 ⏰

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