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Once Luis and I got back to our place I walked into Jordan's room to make sure he's asleep.

Jordan is my little brother. I've been taking care of him sense he was two and he's almost four now. He's like my own.

Well, I told him he was. He calls me daddy. Our mother had him and left him with me to go get with some guy.

I smile softly seeing him sound asleep holding his favorite stuffed animal.

I walked out to where Luis was on the couch and I looked at him.

"I want them still"

He nodded and agreement.

"I say we try again Tuesday. They have to go to that school near the party and we can get them after school yeah?" I asked him. He nodded. "Yeah."


I flipped out on Sofia. I know I shouldn't have. But if I didn't go to the party it wouldn't have happened.

But I also would be in a van is she didn't help me.

Im not that strong. I did cheerleading when I was really little and that's it.

I sighed grabbing sweatpants and a half shirt taking a shower.

Once I got out Sofia was sitting on our bed.

I say our bed because my dad doesn't know she's here and she's not allowed to be so we don't have a bed for her. So we just share.

"I just was upset..I've never been stuck in that situation before and I didn't know what to do." I chewed my lip as I explained it to her.

She nodded. "I get it. I'm not mad."

I nodded and crawled into my bed covering up.

We went to sleep.

I hear my alarm going off loudly and I groan moving around to hit it so it'd stop. I get up rubbing my eyes and grabbing skinny jeans with holes and a sweater.

I go into the bathroom stripping off my clothes and pulling on my jeans and sweater brushing my teeth and hair. Once I finish I go back to my room seeing Sofia dressed and ready as well.

I walk over grabbing my backpack, phone and headphones.

I plug in my headphones and put one in my ear, playing my music. Sofia does the same.

We walk to school together and listen to music because let's face it.

It's way to early to start talking. I assume she goes into the bathroom to do her hair and brush her teeth.

I pull on my black boots and slip my phone into my back pocket.

She comes out about five minutes later and we go downstairs walking to school.

Once we get there we both let out a heavy sigh. "I hate school" I tell her running my fingers through my hair. She nods.

"I'll see you in second set" she says as she walks off.

I walk to my locker opening it and grabbing some books I leave in there.

I walk to my first class sighing. I'm still kinda scared to walk around now.

If we get kidnapped that's it. We have to stay with them. It's the law.

I don't wanna be apart of any gangs. That means you drop out of school.

I mean that wouldn't be so bad. But living in a gang life and all the drugs and guns.

That's scary.

I walk to first set alone sitting in the back. I'm a shy person and not big on talking to people.

I'm only this way because I'm scared they'll leave. I have anxiety with talking to new people too anyways.

I open my notebook writing down some notes as I listen to the teacher talk.

I'm pretty good with school. My lowest grade is a 90. Schools easy for me. I'm book smart. Not street smart.

I have common sense. But I don't know about all the gangs and stuff.

That's what's good about me and Sofia. She's street smart. She has book smarts but not as well as me. I help her once in a while. But I can defiantly say we equal each other out.

We are complete opposites. But I think that's what makes us so good for each other.

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