Chapter twenty eight: Neptuna

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18 days until the war.

"Stupid Carrie. Stupid camp. Stupid praetor. Stupid, stupid, stupid." I growled and kicked rock after rock on my way back to my cabin. No way was I going to stupid yoga.

"Many dumb things." Someone laughed.

I raised my eyes to find a boy covered in sweat, I hadn't seen him before but he was probably just in a higher cabin. He looked about that age.

"So, what's your deal with the praetor?" The boy questioned, still panting from whatever he had been doing.

"Nothing." I growled.

"Dude! Come on! Only two more miles!" Someone ran by and patted the boy's back.

"Fine, see you young'un." The boy started running next to his friend and soon about twenty others joined them.

"Some sort of training 5k...?" I mumbled. "Ugh, I'll just ask Doleo."

After jumping up the hills I jumped onto my bed and waited in silence for the rest of my cabin to return from yoga.

"My back hurts!" I finally heard the other girls complaining. "That one pose made my legs sore!"

"Stop complaining." Doleo growled. I chuckled and she spun around to face me. "And where was miss perfect at? Having a little stroll?"

"No," I rolled my eyes. "'Miss perfect' was doing something much more important than yoga."

"Like what?" Liza eyed me.

"Like practicing defences." I sneered at her.

"Don't you take that tone with me—" The ground started to crack open and a skeletal hand grasped the surface.

"Or what?" I raised my voice little by little, not daring to break eye contact.

"Both of you stop it." Doleo growled quietly but it was enough to echo around the whole cabin. Everyone stared at her, both out of fear and surprise. "Now get ready for our next classes, we won't have time to stop back here before lunch."

Not much happened for the rest of the day, I sweat a lot and Doleo made sure I worked harder than everyone else for missing yoga.

That is, until diner. Diner was both fun and terrifying.

"Good work today everyone, I hope all of you reached your fullest potential in all classes—" Carrie stopped and everyone turned to see what he was staring at. A hooded figure had just shot an arrow at the praetor. Out of shock no one moved. The arrow headed straight for Carrie. I tried to yell but no sound came out.

The next moments happened in slow motion. In the blink of an eye Carrie shot an arrow at the one that the stranger had shot. They met in midair and both came crashing to the floor, the stranger's arrow cut in half and Carrie's arrow sitting on top of it.

"Who are you?" Carrie demanded, not even fazed by the man.

"My name is not important."

"I believe it is. If you are from a foreign camp then I shall strike you down but if you are from my camp then you should know that it is a very bad idea to try and shoot me down."

"I am not from a different camp. I have come to fight the praetor."  

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