Source of my Strength

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So we are back once again. This oneshot is a request from XxLeafGreenxX who seems to be a big fan of this book. Hope you enjoy this Leaf and the rest of you to ^_^. For the context of this story, Ash and Serena are travelling alone having never met Bonnie and Clemont.

Ash cradled an unconscious Serena in his arms. Her honey blonde locks lingered still over his arms swaying in the breeze like a dying weed.

"Do you see what happens when you defy me?" A voice hostile and full of harsh intent echoed in the area. A voice Ash had grown to hate quick especially considering what it represented. The voice was like daggers stabbing into his ears. All that mattered was the girl he loved. With every ounce of his strength he would protect her. And with any left he would give this voice a piece of his mind.

"I will die before I let you hurt her!" He growled at his adversary holding up a pokeball in his direction. He felt Serena's limp head shift its weight into his chest. His heartbeat quickened, if she was awake she would hear the unmistakable thump of each beat rising with his adrenaline levels.

"Then the solution is simple boy. Give yourself upto me and the girl can live." The large man stood with confidence, his arms behind his back. His grunts surrounded Ash in a circular fashion as the sun gave its final kiss to the sky. A Persian caressed the mans leg affectionately and then sat patiently next to its master...

A few hours earlier:

Ash and Serena continued their journey together. Somehow, many could probably guess that this was the most incredible experience Serena had ever had by spending all her time with the boy who captured her heart in a metaphorical pokeball.

On the other hand, Ash immensely enjoyed travelling around with Serena whom he had grown terribly fond of. She had helped him throughout his journey in the Kalos Region and had been there for him since. Somehow she was different, special. Ash wasn't ready to admit his feelings for his childhood friend though, what if she did not reciprocate?

During a routine day of their travels, Serena came across a sign which she knew would prove intriguing to Ash. A smile crept up on her face as she knew Ash's affinity for battle would definitely prove useful here. In a nearby town a small doubles battle tournament was going to be held.

Serena was excited, she wasn't the best battler but her and Braixen were a strong team, even stronger when combined with Ash's strength. She thought back to the countless times she witnessed his passion. His drive for improving and getting stronger. She adored that attitude but always wondered just what caused him to attempt to get stronger what makes him want to be the very best.

That thought can wait. She grabbed Ash's attention and whisked him away to the sign and whatever he was doing like it didnt matter at all. She pulled him by the arm which confused him for a moment but he did not protest.

Upon laying his eyes on the sign, and Serena explaining her wish to be his partner, he immediately lit up with excitement. Pikachu also squeaked happily at the idea. His smile was enough of a signal for Serena to know that was a yes. So they both made their way to the town. The only thing which Serena found weird was the name of the town. She had lived in Kalos all her life, and she had never heard of a place called 'Hakkon Town'. However, the longing to spend time with Ash in a way that would bring them closer overrode these thoughts.

After a short hour the teenage pair had finally arrived in Hakkon Town. It seemed somewhat ominous however. There was an unsettling silence. This was further emphasised by the strange lack of inhabitants.

"Ash. This doesnt feel right, where is everyone?" She looked to Ash who had an uneasy expression. This shocked Serena, Ash had never had such an expression in front of her. He was always so calm, cool and collected. Even during a losing battle a spark remained in his eye. He seemed nervous but what's more, that spark was gone.

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