-----Hey! Sorry! In chapter 3 when it says "thanks for feeding my, Ian" I meant to put "thanks for feeding me, Ian"
I guess I just looked over that mistake.:/ sorry!!------
-- Callie's POV --
He's so adorable.
I love that name.
I love him.
"I hope your vision comes clear soon" Ian says
"Yeah, me too."
-- Ian's POV --
Callie is incredibly cute.
Even with all the cuts and bruises she is beyond beautiful.
I just wanna kiss her SO bad. But I can't.
I really really REALLY like her.
How could someone bully her? She's gorgeous!
"Yes, Callie?"
"I'm getting hot. Can you take these blankets off of me?"
Oh crap... She's gonna notice that she's not in the same clothes she was in before she got beaten....
"Sure, of coarse I will" I say
I lift the blankets off of Callie.
"Thanks, Ian"
She looks down at her clothes.
Oh crap...
"I don't remember wearing these clothes today."
"Oh.. Umm. I umm. I umm..."
I say nervously
"What is it, Ian?"
"Um.. The clothes you were wearing... Umm had blood on them and I have to... Umm take them off of you... And.. Umm.... Put clean ones on you...." I say nervously
".... Don't worry.... I didn't... Um.... Look at your.... Um.... You... Were only in your.... Um.... Bra and underwear for a few seconds...... I... Um... Didn't stare at you..... I just... I just put your clothes on you right away."
Now she probably thinks I'm a weirdo or something.
"Oh. It's ok. I don't feel violated in anyway. Thanks! I appreciate it!" Callie says
" Ok. I hope you don't mind I put you in your new clothes. I don't have any girl clothes and I didn't think you would be very happy to wake up in a strangers house with men's clothing on."
I say back
"Thanks, Ian. I don't mind at all. What time is it?"
I check my phone.
It's 4:30
Wow! Time flies by quickly!
"It's 4:30. I gotta go to the Bathroom. Be back as soon as I can! Let me know if you have to go, I'll carry you to the bathroom"
"Ok. I don't have to go right now. Please don't be gone very long."
I let go of her hand and I see her frown.
I'm sorry, Callie.
I don't say that out loud.
" I won't, just a few minutes." I assure her and then walk down the hall to the bathroom
-- Callie's POV --
Ian has left to go to the bathroom.
I miss him again.
Oh stop it Callie! You're getting too attached to him!
I ignore my thoughts and wait for Ian to come back.
He's back in about 2 minutes
" So, what do you feel like doing?" Ian asks me
I really don't know.
" Maybe watch a movie? You pick."
"Ok. How about The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones?"
Ive seen that movie a few times.
I like it.
"Sure, I like that movie"
My vision is getting better. It's still a little blurry but not as blurry as it was earlier.
-- Ian's POV --
I'm gonna watch The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones with Callie.
I've seen the movie with Anthony, Kalel and Melanie a few months ago.
I liked it.
I go over to my comfortable chair I was sitting in earlier.
I don't mind sitting in a chair.
The couch reclines but I don't wanna cause Callie anymore pain by moving her.
" do you need anything before I start the movie?" I ask
" No, I'm fine for right now. Thanks."
I put the movie in the blue-ray player and we watch.
About a little past an hour in the movie and it comes to the scene where Jase kisses Clarey.
I forgot about this part.
I wish that was me and Callie.
I just forget about it and continue to watch the rest of the movie.
The movie ends and I look over at Callie.
She looks over at me and smiles.
Aww. She's so adorable!
I Check the time.
It's 6:00 pm
I am starving!
I didn't eat earlier when I feed Callie. I was going to but Callie was more important then me at the moment and she still is.
"It's 6:00 pm. Are you hungry?"
"A little. More thirsty than hungry."
"Ok, is water ok? What do you want to eat?"
" Yeah, water is Fine. Do you have Yogurt?"
" Yeah. I have Yogurt. I don't know what kinds."
"Peach. I like peach. If you have peach I'll have a peach yogurt."
I get up and walk to the kitchen.
-- Callie's POV --
We finish watching the movie.
Ian got up again to get me a cup of water and a yogurt.
I don't remember him eating when I was earlier.
I hope he gets himself some food too.
He comes back with a peach yogurt and a cup of water with a straw in it.
He sits back down in the chair in front of me.
" I'm gonna spoon-feed you again, unless you think you got it now."
I love it when Ian feeds me. It makes me feel like I'm well taken care of.
"You can feed me. My arms still hurt."
He feeds me little spoonfuls of yogurt and gives me some sips of water.
I finish my yogurt and I'm still a little hungry but whatever, I don't need any more food right now.
"Ok, Ian. Now it's your turn to eat. Go get some food. I can tell you're hungry."
"Ok, thanks. I am."
He leaves and comes back with A Pink Frosted Sprinkled Donut.
-- Ian's POV --
I feed Callie and she tells me to get food for myself now.
I don't know what to get.
So I just eat one of my left over pink frosted sprinkled donuts from this morning.
" That's it? One Pink frosted sprinkled donut?" Callie asks
I guess I should eat more.
"When you're finished with that I want you to go get more food. That's not enough for Ian Boo Boo Bear. Ok? I don't want you to starve. Eat as much as your Tum Tum tells you. Not what your mind tells you."
She's called me ' Ian Boo Boo Bear' at least 2 times already. That's from one of Smosh's videos. Addicted to Honey Boo Boo Child. That's the one.
"Ok, I will."
I end up eating two pieces of left over pizza from the other day.
-- Callie's POV --
We're all done with our food now.
Now what?
Board game?
I have to go to the bathroom REALLY bad.
"Yes, Callie?"
" I have to go to the bathroom now."
"Ok I'll carry you"
Ian carefully picks me up.
I stay close to him.
We reach the bathroom door and Ian's about to walk in.
"I would like to look in the mirror"
"Ok, sure thing."
He stands in front of the mirror and I see my reflection.
I'm so ugly.
Bruises everywhere.
A busted lip.
But surprisingly I don't have a black eye.
Ian does tho.
Aww poor Ian.
He's still Hot.
It actually doesn't look that bad.
It looks like they didn't punch him with full force. If they did his eye would probably be swollen shut and really purple.
It's only half way swollen shut and just a bit purple.
-- Ian's POV --
I've taken Callie to the bathroom and now we're standing in front of the mirror.
Oh my gosh.
She looks even more beautiful now.
I get a good look at my black eye.
It looks better then it did earlier.
"Ian. I have to go now."
I have no idea how we're gonna do this.
"Ok, Callie. So how are we gonna do this? You can't walk and can't use your arms really well."
"Um. I trust you. Take me to the toilet and help me stand. Pull down my sweat pants. Just my sweat pants. I got the rest."
Ok... I'm gonna feel uncomfortable doing this.
"Ok. Are you sure? I don't think I can-"
"- just do it. It's ok, Ian"
I help Callie stand and carefully pull her sweat pants down.
I look away and let Callie do the rest.
Once she sits I go over to the door and have my back towards her to give her some alone time.
"Ok, Ian. I'm ready. Come pick me up"
I look over at Callie and she's all ready for me to take her back to the living room.
I pick her up and hold her close to me like a baby.
"Ok, Callie. Feel better now? Lets go back to the living room"
Hey! Sorry I didn't update this earlier. Sorry about the last part. Sorry if it was awkward. I didn't know how to word it.
Thanks for reading!!!
Ok bye!
~ Quinn :P

Much Alike (an Ian Hecox fanfiction)
Fiksi PenggemarFor Callie Hiddleston, Life is a Living Hell! She Loves Smosh (especially Ian) and the only way she can escape the terrible world she lives in is to watch their videos. She finds out that there's someone that has a similar life as hers. To that pers...