Chapter 7

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Niall's POV

I ripped my hand out of her grasp and glared. "What the hell is the matter with you? Why would you drive Becca away like that?" I demanded.

Aria sighed and leaned back in her seat as her fingers fiddled with the black fabric of her dress. "You're to good for her, Niall." She responded simply with a small shrug.

I looked at her in disbelief. "So you had to drive her away by acting like I'm with you or something?" I felt as if I could rip my hair out from frustration, and I knew instantly that I'd never be able to fully understand the female gender. None of them made sense to me.

"I did not act like you were with me. I simply made her go away by insinuating that you and I hung out on occasion at my work." She shrugged again.

My mouth hung open slightly, but I was quick to shut it. "You made me seem like a manwhore to her, which I am not. I do not go around using women like that." I said, gruffly.

"I know. But I needed her to go away." She said quietly and stared at me. Her green eyes were soft and almost calculating, but I couldn't even focus on the beauty of them. All I wanted was to throw something at her, but I wasn't a violent person. However, if she kept pushing my buttons I couldn't guarantee her safety.

"Why would you want her to go away? I actually liked her." I narrowed my eyes again.

Aria bit her lip and looked down at her fingers in her lap for a moment before she looked up at me again. "Because she does not deserve you, Niall." She said rewording her earlier words.

I blinked. "And what, you do?" I asked, almost taking a huge leap in a guess as to why she was currently here.

She sighed and shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe, I do."

"After you drove away Becca like that I don't think you and I have a chance in hell together." I said as I began to grab my wallet out of my back pocket.

She frowned and grabbed my arm. "Niall, stop it. I like the way you treat me, and how you make me almost want to change to make you like me. It's...different. It's grand. It' and satifying." She said with a grin forming on her lips.

I gulped quietly. "I'm sorry, Aria, but there's no way in hell that I'd ever date you after you drove away a girl I actually liked." I knew I was being a bit dramatic, I barely knew Rebecca, but that didn't mean I didn't want to know her.

Before Aria had a chance to reply the waitress walked over to the table with two glasses of water in her hands. She blinked as she must have noticed the absence of one girl and the addition of another. "Oh, I didn't know you'd have another person joining you both. Are you ready to order, sir?" She asked, politely.

I bit the inside of my cheek and slowly stood up. "No, thank you. There's been a change of plans." I said softly as I dug my wallet out of my back pocket then tossed a few bills onto the table. It was probably way over the amount due for just three drinks, but I didn't care. All I wanted was to get out of the building and away from Aria. I grabbed my coat from my chair and began walking toward the exit.

"Niall!" Aria called from the table, causing more than one person to look at her as if she were a science experiment that had gone horribly wrong, and she hurried after me in heels that made me think she might have fallen over if she kept trying to run.

I tried to ignore her as I walked out to Jessie's car and I focused on fishing the keys out of my pocket to unlock the door and grant me access to it.

"Niall! Please don't be like that. She wasn't a good person." Aria called out from the door and practically ran to the car before I could even unlock the  door.

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